Thursday, January 21, 2016

Rasmussen: Trump isn't the only one who is angry...

I am angry about what Obama and democrats have done to this country. I am also angry at Republicans for whistling by the side of the road while it happened. 
Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump recently responded to critics of his abrasive campaign rhetoric by saying he would “gladly accept the mantle of anger” because the government is being run by “incompetent people.” Voters, especially Republicans, share that sentiment.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that two-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (67%) are angry at the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry. Thirty percent (30%) say they are not angry at these policies, but that includes just nine percent (9%) who are Not At All Angry. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
This is consistent with regular surveying since 2009, and it appears this anger is finally bubbling up in support of outsider presidential candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. This anger peaked at 75% in 2010, the year Republicans regained control of a portion of Congress.
But voters remain even angrier with Congress: 84% feel that way, with 53% who are Very Angry. Only 13% are not angry at Congress, including three percent (3%) who are Not At All Angry. This, too, is in line with surveying for the past several years. Read more here...


  1. And until the GOP comes to grips with that anger and does something about it, Trump will continue to lead in the polls and will get the nomination or the party will get burnt down by those angry with it.

  2. It's too late. If they GOp had made someone besides Paul Ryan House Speaker and engaged in a real budget battle, they might have regained some credibility with the base, but they didn't. They caved again.


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