President Obama expels 35 🇷🇺 diplomats in Cold War deja vu. As everybody, incl 🇺🇸 people, will be glad to see the last of this hapless Adm.— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) December 29, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Russia calls Obama administration "hapless" and "lame"
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Is this NT Times opinion lead the most ridiculous fake news ever?
This opinion piece tries to spin away the devastation Obama has done to the Democratic Party, but fails to even fully define Democrat's huge loses under Obama.
Via The NYT's:
Via The NYT's:
President Obama will be remembered as a thoughtful and dignified president who led a scrupulously honest administration that achieved major changes.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
More proof almost all the alleged Trump supporters hate crimes reports were fake news...
We just learned the burning of the black church blamed on Trump supporters was actually committed by a black church member. Now, we find Nassau Community College hate crime vandal was not a Trump supporter. Of course, it fit the anti-Trump message of the mainstream media and liberals. So, they ran with it.
Jasskirat Saini, a 20-year old student from Nassau Community College, has been arraigned on 12 counts of aggravated harassment for drawing more than 100 swastikas, KKK symbols, and the words “Heil Hitler” on campus since early October. However, events escalated since Donald Trump was elected president, reported News 12 Long Island....
Many people assumed that a Trump supporter was behind the series of hate crimes....
While it’s unclear whether or not if Saini voted for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, he clearly is not a white supremacist Trump supporter.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Liberals fail to subvert Electoral College. Trump wins with 304 EV.
After all the plotting, emails, phone calls, TV ads, and personal pleas by celebrities, Trump only lost two electoral votes. Both were in Texas and likely just butt-hurt Cruz supporters. Let the liberal tears flow again.
New genus of parasitic flatworm named after Obama..
How appropriate...
The Obama worm
As US President Barack Obama prepares to leave the White House, he can rest assured that his name will live on in a new genus of parasitic flatworm, which infects turtles in Malaysia. The proposed name: Baracktrema obamai.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Facebook to censor news feed based on liberal fact checking sites. What could go wrong?
You mean fake like the polling and predictions of a Hillary Clinton landslide?
Via BI:
To combat fake news, Facebook has partnered with a shortlist of media organizations, including Snopes and ABC News, that are part of an international fact-checking network lead by Poynter, a nonprofit school for journalism located in St. Petersburg, Florida.
...Of the 42 news organizations that have committed to Poynter's fact-checking code of ethics, Facebook is starting out with the following four: Snopes,, ABC News, PolitiFact.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
VMI toughens up our next gen of military leaders with therapy dogs and coloring books...
It's come to this.
Via Washington Free Beacon:
Via Washington Free Beacon:
A prestigious private military school is providing coloring books for cadets to deal with stress.
The Virginia Military Institute, the first state-sponsored military college in the country founded in 1839, offers a “stress busters” program to provide students with yoga classes to “unwind and relax.”
“Beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year, the Cadet Peer Educators (CPEs) will merge with cadet government under the Cadet Equity Association’s (CEA) Training and Education branch. As such, the formerly known CPEs are now members of CEA,” according to the school’s website. “All CEA trained educators are nationally certified through the BACCHUS™ network to assist with new cadet development, education/prevention programs, and individual peer support for a broad range of topics such as stress management, alcohol and tobacco, interpersonal relationships, bystander intervention, and suicide prevention. Trained peer educators are interviewed, selected, trained and advised by Cadet Government and the Center of Cadet Counseling.”
The school said “peer educators” will still provide “Stress Busters” programs for students, which includes an event that lets cadets color.
“Stress Busters is held on Reading Day of each semester,” the school said. “This is an opportunity for cadets to unwind and relax before studying for finals. This event often includes stress reduction activities such as yoga, therapy dogs, coloring book stations, card/game stations, and grab-and-go snacks to take with you on your way to study!”
Keep on reading…
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Hilarious Trump Christmas Parody “It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years” (Video)
Hilarious Trump Christmas Parody “It’s The Most Wonderful Time in 8 Years”
Even the Sun is smiling at a Trump victory...
Tilt your head to the left and smile back at the Sun! #SolarPareidolia— Karl Battams (@SungrazerComets) December 2, 2016
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Trump helps save 1000 Carrier jobs in Indiana
Already making America Great Again!
We are pleased to have reached a deal with President-elect Trump & VP-elect Pence to keep close to 1,000 jobs in Indy. More details soon.— Carrier (@Carrier) November 30, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Trump finally certified winner in Michigan...
Trump now has 306 magnificent electoral votes.
Via Detroit Free Press:
Via Detroit Free Press:
In the closest race for president in Michigan's history, Republican Donald Trump is hanging on to a 10,704 vote win over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
The Michigan Secretary of State posted results Wednesday that were submitted by the state's 83 county clerks on Tuesday after the votes were reviewed and certified by each county.
Before that compiled count, Trump held a 13,107 lead over Clinton. But after each county certified its results, the lead shrunk to 10,704, with the biggest chunk coming from Wayne County, which showed that Clinton had gotten 565 more votes than originally tallied by the county.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Climate activist Neil deGrasse Tyson wants to grab Donald Trump by the crotch or something...
Good luck with that...
Via The Hill:
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says he wants to use an unusual greeting when he meets President-elect Donald Trump.“When I meet President Trump, I may first grab his crotch — to get his attention — then discuss Science with him,” Tyson tweeted Friday afternoon.When I meet President Trump, I may first grab his crotch -- to get his attention -- then discuss Science with him.— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 18, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Hitler Finds Out Hillary Lost election! (Video)
Since Hillary and Democrats tried to convince voters Donald Trump was a Nazi, this seems somehow fair play.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Flashback: Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year
Remember this when you get your 20% to 60% rate increase for 2017. Also, Hillary Clinton said Obamacare could have been called Hillarycare.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Lexington, KY Families Epic Response To Having Trump Yard Sign Stolen
The homeowners made their own sign:
Yo, Yard Sign Thief(s)
It Appears You Are Following In The Footsteps
Of "Crooked Lying Hillary"!
Did Clinton's Cronies
Put You Up To This? Warning:
Do Not Touch As An Electrical Current
May Be Present.
Screen Capture via WLEX18.COM | Continuous News and StormTracker Weather
Yo, Yard Sign Thief(s)
It Appears You Are Following In The Footsteps
Of "Crooked Lying Hillary"!
Did Clinton's Cronies
Put You Up To This? Warning:
Do Not Touch As An Electrical Current
May Be Present.
Screen Capture via WLEX18.COM | Continuous News and StormTracker Weather
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Video: Hillary Clinton reads from script during interview! WikiLeaks bombshell email MSNBC Chris Hayes Tax
The mainstream media will do anything to help Hillary win.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
Friday, October 7, 2016
Leaked Hillary Speech: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders...
This is what you get behind the curtain. Free Bad trade deals and open borders that benefit her Wall street financiers.
Via Wikileaks:
Of course, when you are double-crossing the middle-class, you need a pubic and private position. Hillary admitted this in another speech.
[Clinton Speech For NationalMulti-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
If you want to know what two-faced Hillary Clinton's private positions are, you have vote her into the White House I guess.
Via Wikileaks:
Of course, when you are double-crossing the middle-class, you need a pubic and private position. Hillary admitted this in another speech.
[Clinton Speech For NationalMulti-Housing Council, 4/24/13]
If you want to know what two-faced Hillary Clinton's private positions are, you have vote her into the White House I guess.
Hillary blames Hermine on climate (What does she blame the recent lack of hurricanes on?)
What does she blame the recent lack of hurricanes on? The ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt?
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Too bad the moderator didn't ask Kaine about this statement
Although, Elaine Quijano wasn't quite as bad as Lester Holt (Lester set a very high failure bar,) She did ask more questions that were tougher for Pence and cut Pence off when he attacked Hillary. Hopefully, one of the debate moderators will develop an interest in "those damn emails."
A video we should share EVERY SINGLE DAY! Tim Kaine says Hillary should face charges! SHARE THIS RIGHT NOW!— USA For Trump 2016 (@USAforTrump2016) October 2, 2016
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
The Debate Moment When Hillary Clinton Called You An "Implicit Racist" (Video)
I guess Hillary thinks all Americans deserve to be in the "Basket of Deplorables."
Video: Hillary Clinton Praises TPP As “Gold Standard In Free Trade Agreements”
Who are you going to believe, Hillary Clinton or your lying eyes.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
I thought Gary Johnson promised not to smoke pot during the campaign (Video)
The fun starts at about the 24 second mark. This is the most bizarre behavior I have ever seen from a presidential candidate.
I interviewed Gary Johnson this week. We talked about Trump, Clinton, Syria - and the debates, to which he said: 😛— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) September 23, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Mainstream Media to Hillary" "You think the bombings are an ISIS or Russian plot to elect #Trump?
The masks are off the mainstream media. They are fully integrated into Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Google/Facebook Subverting Election for Hillary (Video)
The Google/Facebook/Twitter and the mainstream media are using social engineering on you to achieve their political goals.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Hillary Clinton FAINTS At 9/11 Ceremony (Best Camera Angle)
Hillary looks like a rag doll being manipulated by her handlers.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Hillary Clinton had 5 lawyers present during her FBI interview. Seriously?
No evidence of guilt here. (snark) If you have watched very many episodes of 'The First 48,' you know when the suspects lawyers up, they are almost always guilty and that is one lawyer, not 5. It is shocking the FBI let Cheryl Mills attend. Mills was involved in sending Hillary Clinton emails that are now classified. Also, the name of one of Clinton's lawyers is redacted. How is that classified information?
FBI report here.
FBI report here.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Video: Sylville Smith's sister Sherelle encourages "protestors" to burn the suburbs
I'll bet you didn't see this on the news.
Sylville Smith's sister Sherelle encourages "protestors" to burn the suburbs @Cernovich @CassandraRules @rooshv— DeeconX (@DeeconX) August 15, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
The truth slips out: Hillary Clinton admits she will raise taxes on middle class.
This is probable the only time recently Hillary has said anything that is true.
When #Clintoning goes wrong and you accidentally let slip the truth. 😂😂😂— Sean Davis (@SeanKD) August 2, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Video: Did Bill Clinton Fall Asleep During Hillary’s Speech?
Hillary has this effect on many people.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
DNC Convention Fractures
1000+ Berners walked out ‼️California is GONE‼️ UTah Gone‼️Oregon Gone‼️...& more😝 #DNCWalkOut 1/2 empty #Demexit— Reginald Hodges (@sci_solar) July 27, 2016
DNC is empty! Look at the empty seats!— Kathryn (@Twitrauma) July 27, 2016
Massive protests against Hillary's
Still marching with the people after the #DNCWalkout. Chants of #JillNotHill echo through the streets. #DemExit— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) July 27, 2016
The media are covering this up & will continue to cover the #DNCWalkOut up. The Democratic party is crumbling.— Border Patrolopoulos (@FacMagnaAmerica) July 27, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Pocahontas gets booed when she tells #DemsInPhilly to vote for Hillary
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) July 26, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Video: Sanders Supporters Start Booing Invocation When Hillary Clinton Is Mentioned
This isn't going well for the Democrats...
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Video: Hillary Clinton has seizure / convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures CLOSER LOOK
Wow. This is very strange. Watch the expression on the face of the woman across from Hillary.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Obama releases “tens of thousands” of criminal illegal because their countries won't take them back...
Why would we give these countries a choice? Either tha=ey take them or we cut off all aid and rescind all treaties.
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
The Obama administration has released “tens of thousands” of illegal aliens convicted of crimes in the U.S. because their home countries refused to take them back.
And a “substantial number” of those involve serious crimes, a government official said Thursday during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on so-called recalcitrant countries.
Nations like China, Liberia and Guinea often refuse to take back their own citizens after being convicted of crimes in the U.S.
The issue entered the national spotlight here after a Haitian national named Jean Jacques killed 25-year-old Casey Chadwick last year in her Connecticut apartment after being released from prison after serving 17 years in prison for attempted murder. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was unable to deport Jacques back to Haiti because the Caribbean nation refused to take him back.
Keep on reading…
Friday, July 15, 2016
#DumpTrump is now officially dead...
#NeverTrump needs to wake up and smell the coffee. It's Trump or Hillary. Even if you don't like Trump, that's an easy choice for anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
THE DREAM IS DEAD: Kendal Unruh's #conscience amendment goes down with a whimper. No standing vote or roll-call, but it wasn't even close.— Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) July 15, 2016
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg outs herself as a Democratic political hack...
We already knew this, but I am surprised she came out in the open in such a brazen manner.
Via The Hill:
Via The Hill:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is doubling down on her criticism of Donald Trump, this time by calling him “a faker” who must release his tax returns.
“How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?" Ginsburg said late Monday, according to CNN. "The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.
“Every other presidential candidate has turned over tax returns,” she said.
Ginsburg also criticized Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, for having no consistency and for saying whatever comes into his head at any moment.
"He really has an ego," she said.
“I think he has gotten so much free publicity. At first I thought it was funny. To think that there’s a possibility that he could be president.”
Ginsburg said last Friday that Trump’s possible presidency would leave “everything up for grabs” on the nation’s highest court.
Keep reading…
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
House GOP Formally Asks FBI To Investigate Hillary Clinton For Perjury...
Comey's claim the FBI needed this request is ridiculous. If the FBI were investigating a bank robbery and came across an interstate counterfeiting and forgery ring, would they not investigate it because no one had requested them?
BREAKING: @jasoninthehouse, @RepGoodlatte Request Perjury Investigation of Hillary Clinton— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) July 11, 2016
Monday, July 11, 2016
Tweet of the Day: Trump tweets Attorney General preference...
"@USARestoring: @HillaryClinton's toast. Dems had better get the"B Team" off the bench. @TGowdySC for Attorney General under President Trump— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2015
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Bernie scores one for Democratic Socialism: Demo platform to include $15 minimum wage...
I don't oppose some raise to the minimum wage as most conservatives do, but doubling it will create economic chaos, boost inflation and depress job growth.
Sanders scored a major victory Friday when the committee approved an amendment calling for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.
The self-described "democratic socialist" had repeatedly called for the increase during his surprisingly strong campaign for the Democratic nomination. Clinton, had backed a $12 minimum wage, while saying she approved a $15 minimum wage in certain places.
An early draft of the platform contained language more consistent with Clinton’s position, saying that “Americans should earn at least $15 an hour” without explicitly calling for that to be the new federal minimum.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Video: Black Lives Matter supporters celebrating in front of Dallas police
However you feel about some of these recent shooting and our justice system reaction to them, this is just wrong.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Tweet of the Day: Fauxcahontas Joins The House Dem Sit In…
Liz Warren in her drum circle.— Lisa B. (@politeracy) June 22, 2016
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Bernie Sanders pays his interns only $12 an hour.
I thought $15 was the Socialist living wage.
Via Free Beacon:
Via Free Beacon:
Bernie Sanders encouraged millennials to apply for a Senate internship with his office this fall, offering a $12 per hour stipend, an amount that falls below his demands for a $15 minimum wage.
Roll Call reported Tuesday that Twitter users were quick to criticize the Vermont senator for paying interns below what he called a “living wage.”
Sanders has repeatedly condemned Hillary Clinton for favoring a $12-an-hour federal minimum minimum wage, claiming at an April Democratic presidential debate that the rate is “not good enough.”
He said the rate must be raised to $15 per hour to provide workers with a “living wage,” despite paying his interns and campaign staff less.
Still, Sanders is the only presidential candidate among the initial sixteen contenders who pays interns.
Clinton relies on free labor for her campaign internships, though she established a paid fellowship last year after The Guardian reported she had brought on experienced organizers as unpaid interns.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
U.N.’s top genocide expert attacks Trump and Christians after Orlando shooting...
Via FP:
The UN should be expelled from US soil.The U.N.’s top genocide expert waded into the toxic American debate on the massacres of 49 people at a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, and issued a thinly veiled swipe at presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Christian extremists for exploiting the tragedy to fuel anti-Muslim hatred.“At a time when there was greatest need for sympathy and solidarity, I was appalled by the immediate and shameful efforts of some political and religious leaders to manipulate and politicize the events in Orlando to fuel fear, intolerance, and hatred,” Adama Dieng, the U.N. special advisor to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the prevention of genocide, said Friday in a statement.Dieng stopped short of calling out Trump by name. But he criticized calls by “some politicians to cite radical Islam as the cause of the attack in Orlando, to ban Muslims from the United States, and to label all Muslims as terrorists.”
Friday, June 17, 2016
Barack Obama: Arming shooting victims "defies common sense,”
Obama believes when wolves attack, the sheep must be unarmed. Whose side is he on?
Via Free Beacon:
Via Free Beacon:
President Obama quickly grew political Thursday while speaking at a memorial site for the victims of the Orlando terrorist attack, attacking Republicans for voting against gun control laws.
“The notion that the answer to this tragedy would be to make sure that more people in a nightclub are similarly armed to the killer defies common sense,” Obama said. “Those who defend the easy accessibility of assault weapons should meet these families and explain why that makes sense.”
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Obama's response to Orlando massacre: Fast-track more Syrian refugees into country....
.@megynkelly: "Obama admin just quietly announced it is increasing its fast-tracking...the number of refugees coming to America from Syria."— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 16, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
FBI called off Orlando shooter investigation because he was “being marginalized because of his Muslim faith,”
Can the FBI be this stupid? Well, under Obama they can.
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
The FBI reportedly cancelled its 2013 investigation into Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen after only 10 months because they viewed the terroristic threats he made as a reaction to “being marginalized because of his Muslim faith,” by his coworkers.
According to Fox News’ Catherine Herridge, the revelation came during a closed door meeting with FBI Director James Comey Monday afternoon.
“Director Comey confirmed to reporters this morning that there was a full FBI investigation of Omar Mateen in 2013,” she explained. “It was 10 months in length, and it was opened after he told his coworkers that he had family connections to Al Qaeda, that he was a member of a Shi’a terrorism organization and that he hoped law enforcement would raid his home and assault his wife so that he could then retaliate and martyr himself.”
Keep on reading…
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Benghazi's "Tanto" on Hillary: “I don’t think she has a soul,”
We have a winner.
BRIDGEPORT — A survivor of the 2012 Benghazi siege that claimed the lives of four Americans and subject of the movie “13 Hours” repudiated Hillary Clinton Thursday night in Connecticut’s largest Democratic stronghold.
Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a military contractor and former Army Ranger, said Clinton failed as secretary of state to send in adequate reinforcements when the U.S. mission in Libya was under terrorist attack.
Part of the security team that tried to defend the compound, Paronto headlined the annual Lincoln Day fundraising dinner of Bridgeport Republicans, who make up less than 10 percent of the city’s electorate.
Paronto stopped short of endorsing the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, but said he will work with Republicans to shine a light on what happened in the confusion of the attack that killed U.S. ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens on Sept. 11, 2012.
“I don’t think she has a soul,” Paronto said of Clinton during an interview with Hearst Connecticut Media. “I hope it haunts her. I don’t think it will.”
Keep on reading…
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Bernie naps during Memorial Day ceremony?
Low energy....
.@facebook post appears to show @BernieSanders sleeping at a #memorialday ceremony— Emily Cahn (@CahnEmily) May 30, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Donald Trump at Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally: U.S. treats “illegal immigrants” better than veterans
Trump has a point.
Via The Hill:
Via The Hill:
Donald Trump took his presidential campaign Sunday to a group he frequently boasts about aiding — veterans.
Speaking at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C., the presumptive GOP presidential nominee told those gathered on the Mall, including veterans and their families, that the U.S. treats “illegal immigrants” better than veterans.
“We have to take care of our vets, and in many cases, illegal immigrants are taken better care of by this country than our vets, and that’s not going to happen,” Trump said at the rally, which is held annually to honor members of the military missing in action or made prisoners of war.
Motorcyclists gathered at the Pentagon and rode around the National Mall, before holding a rally by the Reflecting Pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Trump reiterated his pledge to “knock the hell” out of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Sunday and promised to strengthen the military if elected.
“We’re going to make it bigger and bigger and better and stronger than ever before,” Trump said. “We have no choice. We have to do it.”
Keep on reading…
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
#CrookedHillary keeps on lying about her email arrangement
Hillary Clinton doubles down on defending her email practices: "Rules were not clarified until after I had left."— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Hundreds of dead people vote in California...repeatedly.
Zombies or just Democrats being Democrats?
LOS ANGELES ( — A comparison of records by David Goldstein, investigative reporter for CBS2/KCAL9, has revealed hundreds of so-called dead voters in Southern California, a vast majority of them in Los Angeles County.
“He took a lot of time choosing his candidates,” said Annette Givans of her father, John Cenkner.
Cenkner died in Palmdale in 2003. Despite this, records show that he somehow voted from the grave in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.
But he’s not the only one.
CBS2 compared millions of voting records from the California Secretary of State’s office with death records from the Social Security Administration and found hundreds of so-called dead voters.
Specifically, 265 in Southern California and a vast majority of them, 215, in Los Angeles County alone.
Keep reading…
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
VA Chief compares going to VA to going to Disneyland...
Via Fox:
Via Fox:
Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald on Monday compared the length of time veterans wait to receive health care at the VA to the length of time people wait for rides at Disneyland, and said his agency shouldn’t use wait times as a measure of success because Disney doesn’t either.
“When you got to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what’s important? What’s important is, what’s your satisfaction with the experience?” McDonald said Monday during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast with reporters. “And what I would like to move to, eventually, is that kind of measure.”
McDonald’s comments angered House Speaker Paul Ryan, who tweeted out Monday afternoon, “This is not make-believe, Mr. Secretary. Veterans have died waiting in those lines.”
Keep reading…
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Saturday Funny Tweet: Woman buys Chewbacca mask...
Wait for it...
happy chewbacca is the funniest video of 2016 literally watch the entire thing to the last second i cant breathe— Elijah Daniel (@aguywithnolife) May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Poll: Trump powers ahead of Hillary
If Hillary has this much trouble beating Sanders, Trump will crush her.
Via The Hill:
Via The Hill:
Donald Trump edges out Hillary Clinton by 3 percentage points in a hypothetical general election match-up, according to a new Fox News poll.
Trump has 45 percent support, while Clinton trails with 42, putting just within the poll’s margin of error.
The presumptive GOP nominee is buoyed by his support among whites, leading Clinton 55 to 31 percent. That margin grows among whites without a college degree, 61 percent of whom favor Trump, while just 24 percent back Clinton.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Anti-gun Madness: 5-yr-old Brighton girl suspended for bringing Princess bubble
Exclusive: 5-yr-old Brighton girl suspended for bringing Princess bubble #gun to school. Working for 6pm.— Jaclyn Allen (@jaclynreporting) May 17, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Fun Video: Dana Milbank eats his words...literally
Watch Dana Milbank eat his words about Trump, literally— Washington PostVideo (@PostVideo) May 14, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Trump surging against Hillary among likely voters...
Donald Trump’s support has surged and he is now running nearly even with Democrat Hillary Clinton among likely U.S. voters, a dramatic turnaround since he became the Republican party’s presumptive presidential nominee, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday.
The results could signal a close fight between the two likely White House rivals as Americans make up their minds ahead of the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama. As recently as last week, Clinton led Trump by around 13 points in the poll.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Obama regime bringing penises to school girls bathrooms...
If you had told me our government would get this stupid 30 years ago, I would have called ylaughed at you...
Via Reuters:
Via Reuters:
The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping decree telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity, the New York Times reported on Thursday.
The letter to school districts that will go out on Friday describing what they should do to ensure that none of their students are discriminated against is signed by officials of the Justice Department and Education Department, according to the Times.
It does not have the force of law but contains an implicit threat that schools which do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid, the newspaper said.
Keep on reading…
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Person in charge of Facebook trending topics is a max Clinton donor...
Least shocking story of the week...
Via Free Beacon:
Via Free Beacon:
The person in charge of Facebook’s Trending Topics section, which has come under fire in recent days over accusations that the social media platform deliberately suppressed news articles that were published on conservative websites, is a maximum donor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Tom Stocky, Facebook’s vice president of product management, issued a response to the report that was first published by Gizmodo by claiming that he has not found any evidence that the accusations within the report are true.
“My team is responsible for Trending Topics, and I want to address today’s reports alleging that Facebook contractors manipulated Trending Topics to suppress stories of interest to conservatives,” Stocky said in a Facebook post. “We take these reports extremely seriously, and have found no evidence that the anonymous allegations are true.”
Keep on reading…
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Democrat Flint Mayor directs charitable donations to her political PAC?
This story hasn't been confirmed, but Democrats and corruption go together...
(CNN)The former city administrator of Flint, Michigan, filed a federal lawsuit against the current mayor’s office, claiming she was fired after raising concerns about donors being directed away from a charity for victims of the city’s water crisis and toward a fund sharing a name with the mayor’s campaign fund.
In the suit filed Monday, fired administrator Natasha Henderson claims that in February 2016, Flint’s current mayor, Karen Weaver, directed a former city employee and a city volunteer to stop directing potential donors to a charity called Safe Water/Safe Homes. That charity was run by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and had been approved by the city for water-crisis donations.
Instead, the lawsuit claims city employee Maxine Murray was directed by Weaver to begin directing donations to “Karenabout Flint.” According to the lawsuit, Murray came to Henderson “in tears” and in fear of “going to jail.”
CNN cannot independently verify the authenticity of “Karenabout Flint,” and it does not appear in any state tax registries. “Karen About Flint” was Weaver’s campaign slogan when she ran for mayor in 2015, and her Twitter handle is @karenaboutflint.
Keep reading…
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Fun Video: Store manager hits attempted robber with a fire extinguisher five times
The robber attached a pregnant woman. It's a shame the store manager didn't have a gun.
Friday, May 6, 2016
State Department agrees to release Hillary email security procedures...after the election.
Corruption at the highest levels...
Via Motherboard:
Via Motherboard:
The State Department says it won’t release any documents relating to Hillary Clinton’s email security procedures and protocol until after the November presidential election.
In March 2015, soon after Clinton’s secret personal email account was reported by the New York Times, I filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the State Department asking for “communications, presentations, and procedures created by the State Department to secure Hillary Clinton’s email from electronic threats.” I filed a separate FOIA asking for emails sent to her personal account.
In May 2015, the State Department started releasing some of those emails, which has been an ongoing process sped along thanks to a VICE News FOIA lawsuit. But the department still hasn’t released documents about what procedures—if any—Clinton was supposed to use to keep emails on her server secure, a question that’s all the more important considering that Romanian hacker Guccifer claimed in an interview Wednesday that he repeatedly breached her account.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Taller, stronger wall for White House planned; southern border still waiting...
Obama: Walls for me, but not for thee...
(News4) The U.S. Secret Service plans to raise the height of the White House security fence by 5 feet and add a new concrete foundation to reduce the risk of fence-jumpers, according to a copy of an agency report obtained by the News4 I-Team.The agency, along with the National Park Service, said it intends to begin building a “taller, stronger” fence to protect the White House grounds by 2018.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton allegedly skipped her husband's heart surgery for meeting with Obama?
Hillary is all heart...
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
A new book out Tuesday reveals that in Feb. 2010, then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton attended a cabinet meeting with President Obama even after she had been informed that her husband Bill was to undergo an emergency procedure to repair a clogged artery.
Clinton received an emergency phone call on the morning of Feb. 11, 2010 informing her that the former president needed two stents inserted in a clogged artery at a New York hospital. But the former first lady was in Washington, D.C., where she was set to meet with Obama in one of their weekly cabinet sessions.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
This is how Islamic extremists celebrate diversity...
Liberals won't be able to condemn it. They can't admit Islamic followers do things like this.
(Reuters) – Suspected Islamist militants hacked to death two people, including an editor of a transgender magazine, in the Bangladeshi capital on Monday, police said.
The attack came two days after a university professor was killed in a similar fashion on Saturday in an attack claimed by the Islamic State.
One of the victims, Julhas Mannan, ran a transgender magazine “Rupban”, a police official said, adding that three people came to their apartment in Dhaka posing as couriers and attacked them with sharp weapons.
Further details were not immediately available.
The Muslim-majority country has seen a surge in violent attacks over the past few months in which liberal activists, members of minority Muslim sects and other religious groups have been targeted.
Cruz and Kasich join forces to try and thwart the will of Republican voters...
Cruz and Kasich are traitors to the GOP. They are working for Hillary now.
(CNN)Ted Cruz and John Kasich are joining forces in a last-ditch effort to deny Donald Trump the Republican presidential nomination.
Within minutes of each other, the pair issued statements saying they will divide their efforts in upcoming contests with Cruz focusing on Indiana and Kasich devoting his efforts to Oregon and New Mexico. The strategy is aimed at blocking Trump from gaining the 1,237 delegates necessary to claim to GOP nomination this summer.
The extraordinary moves reflect the national strength Trump has shown and the inability of Republicans who oppose the New York billionaire to come together to stop him. Dividing up some of the remaining primary states by putting forward one strong option to Trump in each could be enough to take away delegates and curb Trump’s run to the nomination.
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Saturday, April 23, 2016
Obama tries to blackmail Britain on Brexit
Via The Sun:
Via The Sun:
BARACK Obama was last night accused of voter blackmail by threatening to put Britain “at the back of the queue” for a trade deal if we Brexit.
The US president issued the extraordinary warning standing alongside David Cameron after talks in Downing Street.
Leave campaigners claim the UK will be able to swiftly crack fresh deals with major partners such as America outside of the EU.
But in a bid to demolish the crux referendum argument, Mr Obama said he “figured you might want to hear from the president of the United States what I think the United States is going to do”.
He added: “Maybe some point down the line there might be a UK-US trade agreement.
“But it’s not going to happen any time soon because our focus is in negotiating with a big bloc, the European Union, to get a trade agreement done.
“The UK is going to be in the back of the queue.”
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Friday, April 22, 2016
Green Fail: SunEdison goes belly up....
Unlike some other green failures. This one only cost taxpayers millions, not billions.
Via Reuters:
Via Reuters:
SunEdison Inc, once the fastest-growing U.S. renewable energy company, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Thursday after a short-lived but aggressive binge of debt-fueled acquisitions proved unsustainable.
In its bankruptcy filing, the company said it had assets of $20.7 billion and liabilities of $16.1 billion as of Sept. 30.
SunEdison’s two publicly traded subsidiaries, TerraForm Power Inc and TerraForm Global Inc, are not part of the bankruptcy. In a statement, the companies, known as yieldcos, said they had sufficient liquidity to operate and that their assets are not available to satisfy the claims of SunEdison creditors.
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Thursday, April 21, 2016
MLK, an opera singer and Eleanor Roosevelt to be put on $5 bill?
An opera singer? Seriously? Democrats pandering to women is getting stupid.
Via Washington Examiner:
Via Washington Examiner:
Abraham Lincoln will not be the only person depicted on the $5 bill much longer.
The Treasury Department announced Wednesday that it will overhaul the design of the $5 note, a move overshadowed by its decision to revamp the back of the $10 bill to include women and to feature Harriet Tubman on the front of the $20.
Civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr., famed opera singer Marian Anderson and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt will be depicted on the back of the updated $5 bill.
All three will be portrayed in historical moments in front of the Lincoln Memorial, which is currently pictured on the back of the bill. King will be shown delivering his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech. Anderson will be shown performing in 1939, when concert halls were still segregated and she was banned from singing in Constitution Hall, supported by Roosevelt.
In redesigning the $5 bill, a previously unannounced step, the Treasury will disrupt Lincoln’s long-running tenure on both the front of the bill, in a portrait, and on the back, captured as a statue within the Lincoln Memorial. The basic layout of the note hadn’t changed since 1929.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Here are some manufacturing jobs Obama actually created...
Unexpected consequences...
NEW YORK — An unprecedented surge in gun sales created tens of thousands of jobs last year.
The gun industry added 24,763 jobs in 2015 for a nationwide total of 287,986, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
That’s an increase of nearly 10% from the year before in manufacturing and retail jobs for guns, ammunition and related supplies, like hunting gear.
Job growth in the last few years has been “nothing short of remarkable,” said the NSSF, which reported a job increase of 73% since 2008.
The NSSF, the gun industry group based in Newtown, Connecticut, said the jobs average $50,180 in annual wages and benefits. Many of these jobs are located in rural areas and small towns where cost of living is relatively low.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Check out Bernie Sanders' in-flight food menu
Who knew Socialist eat this well? Is it sustainable?
.@BernieSanders is about to take off for NY. We've been served a menu for the 9 hour chartered flight he's taking— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) April 16, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Bernie Sanders wants to redistribute your money, but only donated 4% of AGI to charity in 2014
Via CNN:
Via CNN:
Bernie and Jane Sanders earned nearly $206,000 in 2014 and paid about $28,000 in federal taxes, according to a tax return released by his campaign Friday night.
The return also shows that the couple earned nearly $46,000 in Social Security benefits.
Together, their total unadjusted gross earnings was $205,617. Most of the earnings came from Sanders’ $174,000 Senate salary, though Jane Sanders reported collecting $4,900 as a commissioner with the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission.
The couple also reported donating $8,350 in gifts, though the seven-page return did not provide further detail.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Illegals being deported on private luxury jets...
Wow. Now we know why some claim it would cost $400 billion to deport the 12 million illegal aliens in the country.
Via Daily Mail:
Via Daily Mail:
American taxpayers are forking out more than $300,000 every day to deport illegal immigrants on commercial flights and even on private jets, Daily Mail Online can exclusively reveal.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spent $116m in 2015 to transport 235,413 people in the United States illegally back to their home countries.
More than 40 per cent of those who had violated visa restrictions were convicted criminals while more than 1,000 were identified as gang members.
A group campaigning for taxpayers’ rights have said the figures obtained by the Daily Mail Online are ‘insane’ and an ‘outrageous waste of tax dollars’.
The ICE revealed to Daily Mail Online that the average cost of every immigrant in 2015 was $12,213.
The cost includes identifying the immigrant, apprehending them, placing them in a detention center, their process through immigration court and their subsequent removal.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
Bernie Sanders wants to ban all fracking...
Democrats are all about screwing the middle class.
If Bernie Sanders becomes president, America's fracking boom will be in danger.
This week the Democratic presidential candidate called for a national ban on fracking, the controversial drilling technology that has not only led to a massive boom in oil and natural gas, created thousands of new jobs but also been linked to water contamination and even earthquakes.
"If we are serious about combating climate change, we need to put an end to fracking, not only in New York and Vermont, but all over this country," Sanders said during a speech in Binghamton, New York this week.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
British Poll: 2 of 3 Muslims would not tell government of a terror plot...
I doubt it is much different here...
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
A new ICM poll has discovered two out of three Muslims in Britain would not give the government any information if they knew details about a terror plot.
These disturbing poll results seem to indicate the government’s counter-terrorism program, named Prevent, is unlikely to provide much usable information on active threats, if it passes along any information at all, The Express reports.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Trump supporting Republican Party State Delegate in Colorado burns party registration...
The GOPe in Colorado must be smoking that wacky weed.
The GOPe in Colorado must be smoking that wacky weed.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Tweet of the Day: SNL mocks Hillary's subway skills...
That's how a turnstile works, right? #SNL— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) April 10, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Friday, April 8, 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Obama thinks he has power to unilaterally make illegals eligible for Social Security, disability and Medicare.
It is good to be king...
(Cns) The solicitor general calls what Obama is doing "prosecutorial discretion."
He argues that under this particular type of "prosecutorial discretion," the executive can make millions of people in this country illegally eligible for Social Security, disability and Medicare.
On April 18, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case. Entitled United States v. Texas, it pits President Obama against not only the Lone Star State, but also a majority of the states, which have joined in the litigation against the administration.
At issue is the policy the administration calls Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, which would allow aliens in this country illegally who are parents of citizens or lawful permanent residents to stay in the United States. Read it all...
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Tweet of the Day: 70% of Trump votes say they'll go third party in Clinton/Cruz race
The end of the GOP is near if the GOPe and Neocons don't knock it off.
70% of Trump votes say they'll go third party in Clinton/Cruz race— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) April 6, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Judicial Watch files lawsuit for Obama's FBI records...
Popcorn anyone?
Via Washington Examiner:
Via Washington Examiner:
A watchdog group on Thursday announced it was suing the federal government to obtain records on President Obama held by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The lawsuit from Judicial Watch, filed against the Justice Department in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, follows a 2011 Freedom of Information Act request in which the group sought information the bureau obtained from 2008 interviews with associates of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Those included meetings with Obama, his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, and senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Blagojevich was later convicted on 17 charges of public corruption related to an attempt to profit from filling the Senate seat left vacant when Obama was elected president. He is currently scheduled for release from prison in 2024.
The FBI has denied Judicial Watch’s request for information on multiple occasions, and says releasing what it learned from interviewing the president and his advisers could “reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings.”
There are no enforcement proceedings related to the case known to be pending, leading critics to charge that the agency’s denial is politically motivated.
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Monday, April 4, 2016
Busted: How the rich and famous hide their money....
Via Daily Mail:
Via Daily Mail:
The biggest leak of financial data in history has revealed how 12 world leaders, the global rich and a host of celebrities are allegedly using offshore tax havens to hide their wealth.
The so-called Panama Papers, part of a leak of 11million files, implicate those in Russian president Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, along with families and associates of Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak, Libya’s former leader Muammar Gaddafi and Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad.
Lord Ashcroft, Baroness Pamela Sharples and former Tory MP Michael Mates are among the British politicians also named in the data release.
Documents were leaked from one of the world’s most secretive companies, Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, and show how the company has allegedly helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax.
German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung obtained the files and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists but the identity of the source who leaked them and how it was done is unknown.
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Sunday, April 3, 2016
Obama says Iranian leaders undermining the “spirit” of nuke deal...
Thanks Captain Obvious. Iran hasn't kept their other deals and won't keep the nuclear deal.
President Obama on Friday criticized Iranian leaders for undermining the “spirit” of last year’s historic nuclear agreement, even as they stick to the “letter” of the pact.
In comments following the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Obama denied speculation that the United States would ease rules preventing dollars from being used in financial transactions with Iran, in order to boost the country’s engagement with the rest of the world.
Instead, Obama claimed, that Iran’s troubles even after the lifting of sanctions under the nuclear deal were due to its continued support of Hezbollah, ballistic missile tests and other aggressive behavior.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Clinton author Ed Klein thinks Hillary Clinton will be indicted...
We can only hope, but I am skeptical anyone named Clinton will be held accountable for anything.
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
Clinton author Ed Klein says that if Hillary Clinton is not indicted, FBI Director James Comey and “a lot of other FBI agents” would resign as well in protest.
In an interview with Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co” on Friday, Klein said, “I think Comey realizes that he’s got to wrap this [investigation] up well before the conventions otherwise he’s going to disenfranchise millions and millions of people. So I think this is going to be wrapped up in around six more weeks.”
Klein said that he thinks Clinton will get indicted but “Hillary has her lawyers talking to the Justice Department about a lesser charge, something in which she would just say, ‘Well, I’m sorry. It was a little sloppy, I shouldn’t have done that.”
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Thursday, March 31, 2016
Son of a mailman alert: John Kasich eats pizza with a knife and fork....
Just an ordinary guy...
John Kasich just ate his pizza with a fork and knife— GIF The News (@NowThisGIF) March 30, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Trump rescinds pledge to support GOP 2016 nominee...
Game on. I have never seen anything like the attacks on Republican front-runner Donald Trump by the GOPe, many conservatives, democrats and the mainstream media. They are terrified their cushy worlds will be turned upside down when Trump wins. It's like Trump poked a hornets nest with a stick. He doesn't need their money and the elites that control this country are terrified they will lose their power. Could you have imagined a year ago the GOP front-runner, a man who has brought a ton of new voters into the party, would be called a clown, bigot, conman, misogynist, racist, and a Hitler wannabe? And that was often by fellow Republicans. Trump has had as much as $150 million in negative campaign ads run against him by his opponents and their SuperPacs and they and the media now claim he can't win in November because his negatives are too high. Doh! Trump has been threatened with prosecution for inciting a riot in spite of the fact his supporters have never rioted. Now, they have charged his campaign manager with simple battery in what has to be the lamest charge I have ever seen. Party leaders and several other candidates are actively and openly plotting to thwart the will of the voters at the July convention and give the nomination to someone who didn't get the most votes. If that happens, the Republican Party is finished. Trump should form a 3rd party and take his supporters with him.
Via Politico:
Via Politico:
Donald Trump has rescinded his pledge to support the Republican nominee for president.
“We’ll see who it is,” he said Tuesday during a CNN town hall.
He said he had been treated “unfairly” by the Republican National Committee and the GOP establishment. He said he was unsure whether the Republican establishment was plotting to take the nomination away from him during the convention in Cleveland.
He also said he didn’t need Cruz to promise to support him should Trump win the nomination.
“I’m not asking for his support,” Trump said.
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