Reuters reports that Obama’s Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) has filed lawsuits against Honeywell International and two other companies because for some strange reason participating in ObamaCare is a violation of federal law.
The ACA encourages companies to institute wellness programs designed to preemptively cut down on health care costs by creating healthier employees. These programs include smoking cessation, weight loss, and regular check-ups. Employees are encouraged to participate in these programs by an up to 50% reduction in out-of-pocket health care costs.
The problem is, wellness programs are in direct violation of the American’s With Disabilities Act, which prohibits medical screening as part of employment. ObamaCare mandates that employees must undergo medical testing to be eligible for reduced premiums, yet federal law says this is illegal.
Of course, another way to look at wellness programs are that they target smokers and the obese unfairly with thousands in added premiums each year. In essence, this is a tax on behavior from a law that forbids denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
This is astounding. It’s like nobody read the ACA before it was passed into law.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Strange: Obama's EEOC is suing companies for complying with #Obamacare...
If only someone had read this law before democrats passed it.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
IRS illegally gave up to 2500 taxpayer documents to White House?
Not a smidgen of corruption...
Via Newsmax:
Via Newsmax:
The IRS improperly turned over thousands of confidential tax documents to the White House for review, according to information obtained from a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general by the legal advocacy firm Cause of Action, exposing a pipeline of communication between the two, the Daily Caller reports.
“[T]he Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed Cause of Action that there exist nearly 2,500 potentially responsive documents relating to investigations of improper disclosures of confidential taxpayer information by the IRS to the White House,” Cause of Action noted, according to the Daily Caller.
Such documentation, including the exchange of confidential information between White House policy adviser Jeanne Lambrew and former IRS official Lois Lerner, came to light after it was revealed that the the IRS had likely targeted conservative groups for review, including one that had sought in a 2012 lawsuit to overturn Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, the Daily Caller noted.
The Justice Department has asked for a longer window under which to review the newly found documents before releasing them publicly, the Daily Caller said.
The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, in his “Secrets” column, called news of the leaked documents a “shocking revelation.”
Keep reading…
Hundreds of thousands of prisoners are getting phony tax returns...
Flat tax anyone?
Via Fox News:
Via Fox News:
Hundreds of thousands of prisoners are filing phony tax refund claims and the IRS is not doing enough to quash the problem, according to a watchdog report.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) said in its report Tuesday that refund fraud associated with prisoner Social Security numbers is a “significant problem” for the tax agency that is only getting worse over time.
According to the report, more than 137,000 phony tax returns were filed in 2012 using a prisoner’s Social Security number to the tune of $1 billion. While many of the fake refunds were flagged and prevented by the agency, the IRS issued $70 million in bogus refunds.
This was a significant increase from 2007, when more than 37,000 fake tax returns were filed for amounts equaling $166 million.
“Tax refund fraud associated with prisoners remains a significant problem for tax administration,” the report said.
Keep on reading…
Turkeys: The Worst of Democrats in 2014 | SUPERcuts! #134
Turkeys: The Worst of Democrats in 2014 | SUPERcuts! #134
Friday, November 28, 2014
After downsizing children's school lunches, Michelle Obama has six kinds of pie for Thanksgiving...
I only had two. :(
Via Breitbart:
Via Breitbart:
The White House released the menu of President Obama’s Thanksgiving menu as he dined with his family at the White House.
The dessert menu included six kinds of pie: banana cream pie, coconut cream pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie, and cherry pie.
Keep on reading…
Black Friday Shoppers Fight......Over Underwear...
Maybe they should just go commando or something...
News you may have missed: Church attended by Michael Brown family burned Monday night...
The pastor blames Darren Wilson supporters. I can't say that is impossible, but it seems to be highly speculative.
Hollywood moonbats want to make Black Friday about Ferguson....
Just go shopping...
Via Philly Com
Via Philly Com
Hollywood leaders are supporting a nationwide protest of the Ferguson grand jury decision Monday not to indict police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, under the social media hashtag #BlackoutFriday and organized through the collective Blackout for Human Rights.Keep on reading
“Fruitvale Station” director Ryan Coogler, “Selma” helmer Ava DuVernay, “Grey’s Anatomy” actor Jesse Williams, Russell Simmons, Michael B. Jordan and others have voiced their support for Blackout Friday, an effort to “make Black Friday (November 28, 2014) a nationwide day of action and retail boycott.”
“Blackout will be organizing grassroots events, nationwide, for people to come out and show their solidarity in the fight for equal human rights,” read the website. […]
DuVernay will moderate a Q&A session Friday following a screening series presented by African American Film Festival Releasing Movement at the Downtown Independent in Los Angeles, which will feature “Fruitvale Station,” DuVernay’s “Middle of Nowhere” and “25 to Life.”
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Officer Darren Wilson’s attorney says Darren Wilson is resigning and may leave law enforcement permanently...
Via NY Post:
The white Ferguson cop who killed an unarmed black teen is in talks to resign from his police department — and may give up policing altogether, his lawyer said Wednesday night.
“It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when,” Officer Darren Wilson’s attorney, Neil Bruntrager, told CNN. “He’s on paid leave, and there are discussions that are going on right now to separate from the department in an amicable fashion.”
The news came a day after Wilson said that he lived in fear as he kept under the radar while awaiting a decision from the grand jury that ultimately chose not to charge him.
“I’d use the word stressful, but that’s an understatement,” Wilson told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos during a 90-minute interview in St. Louis.
“You just take precautions — everything you do, everywhere you go. You know, from where you sit in a restaurant to where you drive.”
Keep on reading…
Alleged Black Panther Ferguson bombing plot failed because there was no money on an EBT card...
So, the Black Panthers allegedly involved in the alleged were going to buy bombs with a girlfriends EBT card money. How does this make you feel about your tax dollars going to welfare and food stamps?
Via Stl. Today:
Via Stl. Today:
Two men indicted last week on federal weapons charges allegedly had plans to bomb the Gateway Arch — and to kill St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson — the Post-Dispatch has learned.
Sources close to the investigation were uncertain whether the men had the capability to carry out the plans, although the two allegedly did buy what they thought was a pipe bomb in an undercover law enforcement sting.
The men wanted to acquire two more bombs, the sources said, but could not afford to do it until one suspect’s girlfriend’s Electronic Benefit Transfer card was replenished. […]
One of the defendants’ plans, the sources said, included planting a bomb inside the observation deck at the top of the Arch. It was not clear how they could have gotten a bomb past airport-style security screening for rides up.
The Real Story Behind Thanksgiving

The real story of Thanksgiving was of the triumph of capitalism over communism.
The Real Story Behind Thanksgiving
Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?
William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" precept.
The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The results Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent....Read more here
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Stupid: Pentagon changes “unlawful enemy combatants” to “unprivileged enemy belligerents”
Via FAS:
Via FAS:
When it comes to Department of Defense doctrine on military treatment of detained persons, “unlawful enemy combatants” are a thing of the past. That term has been retired and replaced by “unprivileged enemy belligerents” in a new revision of Joint Publication 3-13 on Detainee Operations, dated November 13, 2014.
Among other changes, the revised Publication adopts Article 75 of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions which provide minimum standards for humane treatment of detained persons. It also presents expanded discussion of biometric capabilities that are applicable to detainees.
The previous edition of Joint Publication 3-13, published in 2008, is available here for comparison.
Rasmussen: 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants
In case you missed this Monday...
(Rasmussen)- Most voters oppose President Obama's reported plan to unilaterally grant amnesty to several million illegal immigrants and think Congress should challenge him in court if he goes ahead with it.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Just 26% are in favor of Obama's plan, while 12% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Only 24% think the president has the legal authority to grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants without Congress’ approval. Fifty-seven percent (57%) believe the president does not have the legal right to do so. Eighteen percent (18%) are undecided.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Rioting Fail: Majority of businesses burned in Ferguson were minority owned...
Stupid is as stupid does...
Forrest Gump
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Forrest Gump
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
KMOV-TV reports that the majority of stores that were damaged or completely destroyed during Monday night’s violent riots in Ferguson were minority owned.
Most of the damaged businesses were on West Florissant Avenue and included: Walgreens, Little Caesers Pizza, Autozone, Beauty Town, Title Max, Family Dollar Store, and O’Reilly Auto Parts. Small-business owner Natalie Dubose was in tears when she realized her cake store was attacked by vandals.
Not only is Antarctica's sea ice expanding, it is thicker than previously thought...
Global warming alarmists claimed although it might be expanding, the ice was very thin. They are wrong again.
Via Live Science:
Via Live Science:
Antarctica's ice paradox has yet another puzzling layer. Not only is the amount of sea ice increasing each year, but an underwater robot now shows the ice is also much thicker than was previously thought, a new study reports.
The discovery adds to the ongoing mystery of Antarctica's expanding sea ice. According to climate models, the region's sea ice should be shrinking each year because of global warming. Instead, satellite observations show the ice is expanding, and the continent's sea ice has set new records for the past three winters. At the same time, Antarctica's ice sheet (the glacial ice on land) is melting and retreating.
Measuring sea ice thickness is a crucial step in understanding what's driving the growth of sea ice, said study co-author Ted Maksym, an oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. Climate scientists need to know if the sea ice expansion also includes underwater thickening. [Album: Stunning Photos of Antarctic Ice]
St. Louis PD Ferguson riot tweets...
Bricks thrown at police, 2 police cars burned, gun seized by police. Tonight was disappointing. #FergusonDecision
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
A U. City police officer has been shot. Condition is unknown. Search for suspect underway. It is unclear if related to #FergusonDecision
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
Officers reporting heavy automatic gunfire in area of W. Florissant and Canfield.
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
Police car burns in #Ferguson
— FOX2now (@FOX2now) November 25, 2014
Little Caesars Pizza: 10000 block of W. Florissant set on fire. The dept continues to ask for preservation of life and property. #Ferguson
— St. Louis County PD (@stlcountypd) November 25, 2014
Michael Brown's Mother: “Some of you motherf*%kers think this is a joke!"
Via Rebel Pundit:
“Some of you motherf*%kers think this is a joke! Everybody want me to be calm? Do you know how them bullets hit my son? Ain’t nobody had to live through what I had to live through.”
Monday, November 24, 2014
Michael Brown family planning to sue Officer Darren Wilson if he isn't indicted...
Via Mediaite:
The Ferguson grand jury is expected to make an announcement today about whether Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted for fatally shooting Michael Brown back in August. Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump was on MSNBC earlier this afternoon talking about the impending decision, and Joy Reid asked him exactly what the family is planning if Wilson is not indicted. […]
“If there’s no indictment, the federal government is investigating the matter, so they will want to know if there’s any federal charges, but if not then the only remedy they will have left is a legal civil matter, and so we’re going to explore every legal avenue to get them some sense of justice.”
Amusing: John Kerry tells Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, “Just ignore Obama’s statements.”
Everyone should ignore Obama's comments. He is the biggest liar ever.
Via NY Observer:
Via NY Observer:
Though it went entirely unnoticed in the Western press, all major Russian news outlets – RIA Novosti, Sputnik, RT, and others – were only too happy to report on what US Secretary of State John Kerry said last week to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in private: “Just ignore Obama’s statements.”
According to Mr. Lavrov, John Kerry advised him not to pay too much attention to the US President’s harsh rhetoric directed toward his state. As recently as September, during his speech to the 69th UN General Assembly in New York, Mr. Obama puzzled and shocked Mr. Lavrov by placing “Russian aggression in Europe” in second place among the world’s threats, behind only the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, resigning to third place the “brutality of terrorists in Syria and Iraq.” “Aggressive Russia” again was included in Mr. Obama’s world top-danger list during November’s G20 Summit in Australia.
According to a translation commissioned by the Observer, Mr. Kerry advised Mr. Lavrov to “just ignore Obama’s statements.” Google translator phrases the nuance slightly differently: “Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says US Secretary of State John Kerry called on him to ‘pay no mind’ to a statement by President Obama.” But the take-home message is clearly the same.
Keep on reading…
Stupid: Washington Post Fact Checked a SNL Skit Critical of Obama...
Carrying water...
@washingtonpost Oh, Dear Lord. Fact-checking an SNL Skit? Obama needs that much protecting? Did you fact-check Farrell's GWB? Fey's Palin?
— notropis (@notropis01) November 23, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Flashback: Now that Obama has declared himself Emperor, let's remember how he got elected in 2008..
It was because his voters were ignorant ...
Barack Obama: ‘Absolutely Not’ Legitimate for Future Presidents to Apply My Logic on Executive Actions
Barack Obama is a do as I say, not as I do kind of guy. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.
Mark your calender: December 9, 2014, Jonathan Gruber gets to tell Congress how stupid they are ...
Well, the Senate and House when Nancy Pelosi were stupid enough to believe Gruber's deceptions.
Via Townhall:
Via Townhall:
Over the past two weeks Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has been seen on video repeatedly insulting the intelligence of the American voter and admitting the healthcare overhaul was written to deceive the public about costs, taxes and a redistribution of wealth of healthy to sick.
Today, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa officially invited Gruber to testify on Capitol Hill.
"The Committee on Oversight and Government reform requests your testimony at a hearing on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. in room 2154 Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C.," Issa wrote in a letter to Gruber Friday, adding that he should be prepared to make a five minute opening statement before answering questions.
Gruber received nearly $6 million in taxpayer money at local and federal governments for work as a contractor on the healthcare law.
Ferguson's Dangerous Circus
Supporting one side we have the New Black Panthers...
Supporting the other side, we have the KKK...
What could go wrong?
The two men arrested in #Ferguson last night are allegedly members of the new Black Panthers
— CBS News (@CBSNews) November 22, 2014
Supporting the other side, we have the KKK...
This photo showing 3 Klansman at the #DarrenWilson rally has been removed from their FaceBook page #HoodsOff #OpKKK
— Anon Cop Watch (@AnonCopWatch) November 17, 2014
What could go wrong?
Barack Obama Twitter account: Illegal immigrant EO will boost U.S. GDP by tens of billions of dollars
Does anyone believe anything from the Liar-in-Chief anymore? Did Obama get this analysis fro Jonathan Gruber?
Here are some responses:
FACT: President Obama's #ImmigrationAction will boost the U.S. GDP by tens of billions of dollars.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 22, 2014
Here are some responses:
Corrected ur tw:
FARCE: President Obama's #ImmigrationAction will boost the U.S. GDP by tens of billions of dollars.
— Lechon_Akbar! (@ChuckBiller) November 22, 2014
@BarackObama so the opposite will be the truth. Cost the taxpayers billions
— Chic Cutlet (@ChicCutlet) November 22, 2014
Just like the Stimulus & Obamacare! MT @BarackObama FACT: Obama's #ImmigrationAction will boost the U.S. GDP by tens of billions of dollars.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) November 22, 2014
@BarackObama that's not a FACT. It's an estimate that's disputed by both sides
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) November 22, 2014
@BarackObama Fact - you've lied about so much that without proof I don't believe anything you say. This flies in the face of basic economics
— Axios (@AxiosCA) November 22, 2014
DARPA wants industry to build a flying drone "mothership"
Sci-Fi is becoming reality...
Washington (AFP) - It's a Hollywood sci-fi fantasy that has long eluded the Pentagon: a flying "mothership" that launches smaller aircraft.The Pentagon's research agency put out a request to industry this month to outline how a large cargo plane could release drones to spy on or attack an enemy and then return to the flying aircraft carrier.The concept conjures up fantastical images from "The Avengers" film and the "StarCraft" video game, with large, lumbering motherships sending out smaller craft -- but there are no cloaking devices involved in this particular project.At the moment, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is not close to constructing any test planes and is merely exploring the possibility on paper, officials and experts said."This is the float-the-idea stage of the concept. It's not the build-me-a-prototype stage. We're not to that yet," said author Peter Singer, who has written extensively about robots and warfare.In a conceptual drawing from DARPA, a cargo plane resembling a C-130 releases a squadron of drones that look similar to Predator or Reaper aircraft.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Mark Knoller reveals Obama's real motivation for going to Las Vegas for illegal immigrant EO...
Pres Obama playing golf at Shadow Creek in Las Vegas. It's 57° and partly sunny. Temps headed to the upper 60s.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 22, 2014
Barack Obama claims foreigners who came here illegally are "as American as any of us"
In the case of Barack Obama, "as American as any of us" is a low bar to hurdle.
Via Breitbart:
Via Breitbart:
In a new Facebook video released by the White House, President Obama reflects on his historic immigration reform speech by reminding Americans why he had to act to give illegal immigrants amnesty.
Obama explained he understood that most Americans were frustrated with people who were breaking the law and cutting the line by coming into the country illegally.
With a soft piano soundtrack in the background, Obama helpfully explained to Facebook viewers that “it just comes down to people.”
“You hear stories about young people who were brought here when they were two or three years old – are as American as any of us in attitude and love of country but don’t have the right papers and as a consequence they can’t apply for scholarships or they can’t travel because they are fearful that it might mean that they were deported,” he argued. “What you realize is that’s not what America is about.”
Keep on reading…
Congress finally sues Obama over Obamacare...
Giddy up...
Via Daily Mail:
Via Daily Mail:
The House of Representatives, spearheaded by a growing Republican majority, sued the Obama administration on Friday over its implementation of President Barack Obama’s health care law, saying he had overstepped his legal authority in carrying out the program.
The case was assigned to Judge Rosemary M. Collyer, who was appointed to her post by President George W. Bush in 2003. The Department of Justice, which will defend the case on behalf of the Treasury and Health and Human Services Departments, has 60 days to file a response.
GOP lawmakers filed the lawsuit in federal district court in Washington the morning after Obama announced unilateral executive actions to expand protections for millions of immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally.
While Republicans complained that Obama had unconstitutionally exceeded his powers with those actions, the suit filed Friday did not address immigration.
Keep on reading…
Students still thanking Michelle for their horrible lunches...
Teens are sarcastically tweeting #ThanksMichelleObama with their disgusting school lunches
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) November 21, 2014
This is where school lunches end up, just like your husband's promises. #ThanksMichelleObama
— Mr Gray (@realmistergray) November 21, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Obama nose thumbing: Releases more Gitmo detainees while distracting America with immigration EO
Barack Obama thinks he can play Americans for fools.
Via The Washington Examiner:
Via The Washington Examiner:
President Obama has opened a new front in his hard line against the incoming Republican Congress by releasing more detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, against lawmakers' objections.
The Pentagon announced Thursday that four al Qaeda fighters from Yemen, including a senior figure who facilitated travel to Afghanistan for Arab extremists, and a Tunisian extremist would be transferred to Slovakia and Georgia.
The transfers leave 143 detainees at Guantanamo, which Obama has vowed to close. Republican lawmakers, who have been pressing the administration to stop releasing detainees amid reports that some former prisoners had joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, were furious.
IRS finds 30,000 missing Lois Lerner emails from back up (Koskinen claimed disaster recovery tapes didn't exist)
IRS Commission John Koskinen needs to be called back before Congress to explain why he claimed the disaster recovery tapes didn't exist, when they actually did and contained Lerner emails. .
Via Washington Examiner:
Via Washington Examiner:
Up to 30,000 missing emails sent by former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner have been recovered by the IRS inspector general, five months after they were deemed lost forever.Want to bet they are heavily redacted when we finally see them?
The U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) informed congressional staffers from several committees on Friday that the emails were found among hundreds of “disaster recovery tapes” that were used to back up the IRS email system.
“They just said it took them several weeks and some forensic effort to get these emails off these tapes,” a congressional aide told the Washington Examiner.
Committees in the House and Senate are seeking the emails, which they believe could show Lerner was working in concert with Obama administration officials to target conservative and Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status before the 2012 presidential election.
Interesting: AP fact checks Obama (finds he is a liar)
AP is finally coming to grip with reality?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama made some notable omissions Thursday night in his remarks about the unilateral actions he’s taking on immigration.
A look at his statements and how they compare with the facts:
OBAMA: “It does not grant citizenship, or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive – only Congress can do that. All we’re saying is we’re not going to deport you.”
THE FACTS: He’s saying, and doing, more than that. The changes also will make those covered eligible for work permits, allowing them to be employed in the country legally and compete with citizens and legal residents for better-paying jobs.
OBAMA: “Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it’s been in nearly two years.”
THE FACTS: The numbers certainly surged this year, but it was more than a “brief spike.” The number of unaccompanied children apprehended at the border has been on the rise since the 2011 budget year. That year about 16,000 children were found crossing the border alone. In 2012, the Border Patrol reported more than 24,000 children, followed by more than 38,800 in 2013. In the last budget year, more than 68,361 children were apprehended.
Keep on reading…
House Republicans surrender to Obama's amnesty proposal, plan to trick their base supporters...
Jonathan Gruber isn't the only one who thinks you are stupid. The House GOP thinks so too...
You people are being played by the GOP. Remember when the GOP wanted to raise the debt ceiling, but claim they would oppose it. They voted to raise it, but then Congress could vote to stop the raise. The President could then veto the stoppage and the debt ceiling would raise. But the GOP could claim they opposed him.
That is happening again. This time it is with amnesty.
The House GOP is going to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government. Then, in January, they will try to defund what they’ve already funded. The President will veto it, but the GOP can say they tried.
They won in a historic wave election against the President with a majority of the public on their side on this issue and they are going to cave.
Already, the House Appropriations Committee has released a statement saying the appropriations process cannot stop the President.
Rasmussen: Demo Mary Landrieu losing Louisiana Senate runoff by 16 points...
I wonder if Senator Mary Landrieu regrets being the 60th vote for Obamacare now?
Via Rasmussen:
Via Rasmussen:
Rasmussen Reports’ first survey of the Louisiana Senate runoff shows Republican challenger Bill Cassidy comfortably on his way to joining the new GOP Senate majority.
Cassidy posts a 15-point lead – 56% to 41%- over incumbent Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu among Likely Louisiana Voters in our latest statewide telephone survey. Just three percent (3%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Landrieu edged Cassidy, a U.S. congressman, 42% to 41% on Election Day earlier this month, with eight candidates officially in the race. But under Louisiana’s so-called “jungle primary” rules, the contest will now be decided by a December 6 runoff because no candidate cleared the 50% mark.
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Sheriffs: Obama's amnesty will embolden both terrorists and violent criminals
Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, Frederick County, Maryland:
“In my opinion, based on what I’ve seen, every county in America will become a border county. This is absolutely going to worsen the crisis.Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County, Arizona:
What we’re going to see is not only the cost to healthcare, social programs, and education, but the increase in criminals coming into our country, you’re going to see increases in crime, infiltration from transnational gangs, the drug trade and human tracking.”
“The law applies to you and I as citizens, and yet it appears there is no law when it comes to illegals. The message the President’s action will send is this: if you can get to the border, you’re home free. It completely undermines the rule of law and makes the job of every law enforcement officer – which is already difficult – impossible.Sheriff Tom Hodgson, Bristol County, Massachusetts:
We already have our hands full because the border is not secure: imagine what the situation will look like when the President gives executive amnesty to those already here. It would unleash a tidal wave of illegal border crossings, overwhelming law enforcement. It will be open season for the cartels. Again: the border is not secure now – to give a presidential amnesty would be to make matters dramatically worse for our officers who are trying to do the job the President won’t.”
“It will dramatically increase the draw for illegal immigrants to come into our country, because you have the President of the United States sending out a message that we have no problem with people ignoring our immigration laws. They’re looking for a wink and nod that says ‘yeah, come on in’ – we’ve seen it with the DACA. It is the worst message you can possibly send. Come in, don’t worry about the laws, don’t wait your turn. You invite people to ignore our laws. We have no knowledge of these individuals’ background or criminal histories. We [have] minors coming in right now who have confessed to murder. We in these communities are left trying to find out: who are these people? If didn’t learn anything else post-9/11, it’s that we need to know who is in our communities and what they’re purpose is. The President’s planned order is a formula for national disaster and public safety.Keep on reading...
Every predator who is out to commit crimes is looking for the weakest link in our system. Having large illegal immigrant populations creates a safe haven for criminal activity. Criminals are becoming more emboldened.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Obama administration threw in 400,000 dental plans to make number of Obamacare plan over 7 million...
Is everything about Obamacare a lie?
Via Bloomberg News:
Via Bloomberg News:
The Obama administration included as many as 400,000 dental plans in a number it reported for enrollments under the Affordable Care Act, an unpublicized detail that helped surpass a goal for 7 million sign-ups.
Without the dental plans, the federal government would have had 6.97 million people with medical insurance under the law known as Obamacare, investigators for the House Oversight and Government Reform committee calculated, using data they obtained from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Federal officials said in September they had 7.3 million people enrolled in coverage through new government-run insurance exchanges. They didn’t distinguish between medical and dental plans, breaking from previous practice without notice.
Blending dental and medical plans let the administration assert that enrollment remained greater than 7 million, the original projection of the Congressional Budget Office. The move also partly obscured the attrition of more than 1 million in the number of people enrolled in medical insurance.
Keep on reading…
WaPo gives Obama an upside-down Pinocchio for lying about immigration EO...
When the Washington post calls out a democrat for lying, you know it must be a blatant whopper.
Via Washington Post:
Question: Your administration has deported a record high number, 1.5 million, of undocumented immigrants, more than your predecessor. And I know your administration took some steps last year to protect unintended undocumented immigrants from being deported. However many people say those efforts were not enough. What I’d like to know is what you’re going to do now, and until the time that immigration reform is passed, to insure that more people aren’t being deported and families are not being broken apart.
Obama: Well, look Jackie, this is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency. The problem is that you know I’m the president of the United States. I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed, and Congress right now has not changed what I consider to be a broken immigration system. [...]
The Pinocchio Test
The president has certainly been consistent on this issue—until he saw that the path through Congress was blocked. It’s clear from the interviews that the president was not being asked about executive orders that would have provided comprehensive immigration reform, but about specific actions that ended deportations of a subset of illegal immigrants—precisely the type of action he will shortly unveil.
Previously he said that was not possible, using evocative language that he is not a “king” or “the emperor.” Apparently he’s changed his mind. The president earns an upside-down Pinocchio for his flip-flop.
Fail: Pentagon paid ransom to a con man in failed attempt to free Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
This is the most clueless administration ever.
Via Washington Times:
Via Washington Times:
The Pentagon is under fire for making a ransom payment to an Afghan earlier this year as part of a failed bid to win the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to U.S. officials.
Sgt. Bergdahl was released in May after nearly five years in captivity as part of a controversial exchange for five terrorists held at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The ransom payment was first disclosed by Rep. Duncan Hunter in a Nov. 5 letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Mr. Hunter stated in the letter that Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) made the payment covertly as part of a release deal. But the money was stolen by the Afghan intermediary claiming to represent the Haqqani terrorist network.
Keep on reading…
Obama administration ignoring illegal immigrants felony identity theft...
The truth is most illegal immigrants with jobs are using stolen social security numbers and identities. That should be a felony which would exclude them from any form of amnesty, but the Obama administration is looking the other way.
Via Townhall:
Via Townhall:
Center for Immigration Studies analyst Jon Feere reported at the time that ethnic lobbyists and open-borders businesses lobbied the Obama administration hard "to keep American victims of ID theft in the dark while shielding unscrupulous businesses from enforcement." As an Obama official told The New York Times, DHS employees are "not interested in using this as a way to identify one-off cases where some individual may have violated some federal law in an employment relationship."Those who claim what Obama is planning to do isn't amnesty, should face the truth. Many, if not most, of the illegals covered by Obama's EO will be getting amnesty not just for violating border and immigration laws, but also for felony identity theft and tax evasion.
Translation: See no identity theft. Hear no identity theft. Speak no identity theft.
A high-profile immigration attorney crowed: "Good news for deferred action applicants: If you used a false Social Security card, you need not reveal the number on your deferred action application forms. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has clarified that when the forms ask for an applicant's Social Security number, it refers to Social Security numbers issued to the applicant. If you used a friend's number, a made-up number or a stolen number, you should answer N/A for 'not applicable' where it asks for the number."
Since then, more than 500,000 DACA applications have been approved with abysmal oversight, little public disclosure and total absolution for identity rip-off artists. The latest planned administrative amnesty will dwarf that ongoing fiasco.
Interesting: NSA officials had the same concerns Snowden did about their collecting all your phone records...
The White House decided to do it anyway.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dissenters within the National Security Agency, led by a senior agency executive, warned in 2009 that the program to secretly collect American phone records wasn't providing enough intelligence to justify the backlash it would cause if revealed, current and former intelligence officials say.The NSA took the concerns seriously, and many senior officials shared them. But after an internal debate that has not been previously reported, NSA leaders, White House officials and key lawmakers opted to continue the collection and storage of American calling records, a domestic surveillance program without parallel in the agency's recent history.The warnings proved prophetic last year after the calling records program was made public in the first and most significant leak by Edward Snowden, a former NSA systems administrator who cited the government's deception about the program as one of his chief motivations for turning over classified documents to journalists. Many Americans were shocked and dismayed to learn that an intelligence agency collects and stores all their landline calling records. Keep on reading...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
On second thought, Chicago Public Schools won't teach fourth and fifth graders “safe anal sex”
Whoever put this on the curriculum in the first place should be fired.
Via Inquistr:
Via Inquistr:
A rumored plan by the Chicago Public Schools to teach “safe anal sex” and other unconventional sex topics to fourth graders has made its rounds on the internet. According to circulating stories, parents were allegedly appalled to find bothersome topics – reportedly including safe anal sex, female condoms, morning after pills and using lubrication – on the latest sex ed curriculum of fourth and fifth graders in Chicago,.
DNA Info released Saturday a report detailing an alleged proposal by the Chicago Public Schools for a new sex ed curriculum designed for fourth and fifth graders. Parents of students from Andrew Jackson Language Academy who reviewed the curriculum binders were reportedly “shocked” and “horrified” by the content of the proposed topics, noting that the lessons included in the curriculum were “appalling” and not age-appropriate. Angela Bryant, chairwoman of the Local School Council, denounced the alleged inclusions in the fourth-grade sex ed curriculum, saying that the topics were composed in “a manner that actually is piquing curiosity about sexual pleasure”, instead of more informative sex education.
The Chicago Public School system immediately issued a statement regarding the curriculum, saying that the inclusion of the overly-risque topics was a mistake.
Stupid: New Gun Control Law causes Washington St. museum to return guns to owners...
You can't make things this stupid up...
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
A museum in Lynden, Wash. has decided to return 11 World World II-era rifles to their owners because of a state law passed earlier this month that requires background checks on gun transfers.
The Lynden Pioneer Museum will comply with the law, Initiative 594, rather than fight it, The Bellingham Herald reports.
The museum’s exhibit, “Over the Beach: The WWII Pacific Theater,” had the 11 rifles on display along with photographs and journals from the era as well as military vehicles and radios.
It will continue until May 1, but without the guns.
“The museum will be returning these guns to their owners because as of Dec 4th, we would be in violation of the law if we had loaned firearms that had not undergone the background check procedure,” reads the museum’s website. “Nor would we be able to return those firearms unless the owners completed the back ground check procedure.”
Keep on reading…
NBC/WSJ Poll: Only 43 percent of Hispanics support executive action legalizing illegal immigrants
Obama's plan isn't even popular with Hispanics...
Via Hot Air:
Via Hot Air:
NBC/WSJ found that only 38 percent of the public are happy with the president’s planned immigration order, while a full 48 percent disapprove. 11 percent of Republicans approve of the move and 37 percent of self-described independents agree. Shockingly, only 63 percent of Democrats in that survey expressed support for an executive order.
Even more surprisingly, that poll found that immigration reform via executive order is not especially popular with even Hispanic voters. Just 43 percent of Hispanics polled support an executive action creating legal status for millions of illegal immigrants while 37 percent disapprove.
1360 daily low temperature records broken in last week...
Climate change...
Cold, bitter, frigid, arctic blast and of course polar vortex are words we are all hearing a lot of this week. You might be wondering, is this really THAT cold? The answer is maybe, but it depends where you are and how you look at the statistics.
First, the coverage of the cold air over so much of the country is notable. Often in November one section of the United States sees arctic air, but it’s unusual for two-thirds of the lower 48 to see this type of widespread outbreak of cold.
Over the past 7 days if we look at the entire country there have been a lot of cold records being set. The chart below shows for example, 1360 daily low maximum records. This means those places had cold high temperatures which were records. Simply put, those cities and towns saw their coldest daily highs ever recorded. These records are for a particular date, not all-time.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Want a job? Try not to stab your prospective employer during your job interview.
You have to point out the obvious to some people.
A Southern California man’s job prospects are not looking good after he allegedly stabbed the boss during an interview Monday afternoon.El Cajon police say the applicant, Jose Lopez, showed up drunk to a job interview at 207 South Sunshine Avenue.When the business owner smelled alcohol on Lopez’s breath, he confronted the interviewee about it.In turn, Lopez became angry and then got physical, police say. A fight ensued, but when the boss got the upper hand and put the suspect in a headlock, Lopez stabbed him in the arm, according to investigators.
Barbara Boxer on Keystone XL Pipeline: Shows Chinese in masks
This has to be the stupidest argument against the pipeline I have ever heard. They will sell the oil somewhere. I have heard most of it is already traversing America by rail. Sen. Mary Landrieu's Hail Mary has failed.
Sen. Boxer hammers #KeystoneXL, shows Chinese in masks. "I don't want it to look like what it looks like in China."
— MichaelMathes (@MichaelMathes) November 18, 2014
Top twelve things the mainstream media won't tell you about global warming...
This great list by Jeff Dunetz is from Hot Air. I have excerpted the first four.
1) Through Halloween of 2014- The Global Warming Pause has lasted 18 years and one month. Heartland Institute analyst, Peter Ferrara, notes“If you look at the record of global temperature data, you will find that the late 20th Century period of global warming actually lasted about 20 years, from the late 1970s to the late 1990s. Before that, the globe was dominated by about 30 years of global cooling, giving rise in the 1970s to media discussions of the return of the Little Ice Age (circa 1450 to 1850), or worse.” So there was thirty years of cooling followed by 20 years of warming and almost 18 years of cooling…and that’s what the global warming scare is all about.
2) Antarctic Sea Ice is at record levels and the Arctic ice cap has seen record growth. Global sea ice area has been averaging above normal for the past two years. But to get around those facts, the global warming enthusiasts are claiming that global warming causes global cooling (really).
3) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant it’s what you exhale and it is what “feeds” plants. Without CO2 there would not be a single blade of grass or a redwood tree, nor would there be the animal life that depends on vegetation; wheat and rice, for example, as food. Without CO2 mankind would get pretty hungry. Even worse the global warming proponents keep talking about population control because they don’t want more people around to exhale, and let’s not talk about what they say about stopping methane (no spicy foods, no cows, no fart jokes).
4) There is not ONE climate computer model that has accurately connected CO2 to climate change. In fact CO2 is at its highest levels in 13,000 years and the earth hasn’t warmed in almost 18 years. Approximately 12,750 years ago before big cars and coal plants CO2 levels were higher than today. And during some past ice ages levels were up to 20x today’s levels. Keep on reading...
White House bragging Republicans are powerless to stop their climate change agenda...
The reason Republicans are powerless is they have neutered themselves by promising to not fight the budget battle. Congress mainly has the power of the purse, but when you take your most potent weapon off the table because of fear of a publicity backlash if there is a shutdown, you have lost before you started.
Via WaPo:
Via WaPo:
The White House forged ahead Monday with yet another piece of its climate change agenda and bragged that Republicans are powerless to stop it.
A presidential task force unveiled a report on how communities across the country can prepare for the effects of global warming. In all, the recommendations on “climate preparedness and resilience” could cost the federal government more than $100 billion to protect drinking water supplies, shore up coastlines against rising sea levels and take other preventive measures.
The recommendations and subsequent expenses are just two pieces of an ever-expanding slate of global-warming that is sure to come under the microscope when Republicans assume control of the Senate in January.
But legal analysts say the Republicans have little ammunition to fight back, short of shutting down the federal government to stop Environmental Protection Agency funding.
White House officials, keenly aware of the executive power Mr. Obama holds on the issue of climate change, openly mocked incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues.
“I believe the president will complete actions. It is a top priority of his and I don’t believe they can stop us,” White House counselor John Podesta told reporters on a conference call Monday. “Not withstanding Sen. McConnell making this a top priority to leave the status quo, to leave the air dirtier.” Keep on reading...
Monday, November 17, 2014
The fallacy of claiming people like #Obamacare because they like some parts of the law
I just saw a clip of HHS Sylvia Mathews
Burwell's claiming people support Obamacare because because, when asked, they claim they support many of the individual parts of the law. (I paraphrased her)
In order to understand this misconstruction, let's apply it to a different scenario. A family of three are asked if they would like to have a new vehicle. Mon says yes, she really needs a SUV for travel in snowy weather. Dad says yes because his truck is old and he is afraid his repair bills will start piling up, the son says a new motorcycle would be really cool and he could drive it to college without buying much gas. Democrats would say the family supports buying new vehicles when you ask them about it. Along comes a Republican who points out, mom will have to take a part-time job to help make the payments, dad will have to sell his bass boat because he can't afford three new vehicle payments and a boat payment and the son is told he will have to delay college by one year because mom and dad are tapped out on car and motorcycle payments. The Republican asks the family if they support the whole deal; including the consequences. Mom and dad immediately come to their senses, but the son is conflicted. He really wants a new motorcycle that someone else is going to pay for, but he understands the hardship this will cause his parents.
Now, let's move to Obamacare. Mom loves the free mammograms, birth control and subsidized coverage for her uninsured low income friend, but hates the fact she is losing her trusted normal primary care physician. Dad likes the removal of the lifetime limits on costs, but hates the higher deductibles and premiums. The son really likes being able to stay on his parents plan until he is 26, but hates the idea that after he reaches that age, he will be forced to buy overpriced health insurance coverage the rest of his life, even if he doesn't want it.
As you can see, cherry-picking the parts of any deal is a poor way to judge if people really support the deal.This is why Obamacare is so unpopular even if many parts of the law are liked by those who would benefit most.
In order to understand this misconstruction, let's apply it to a different scenario. A family of three are asked if they would like to have a new vehicle. Mon says yes, she really needs a SUV for travel in snowy weather. Dad says yes because his truck is old and he is afraid his repair bills will start piling up, the son says a new motorcycle would be really cool and he could drive it to college without buying much gas. Democrats would say the family supports buying new vehicles when you ask them about it. Along comes a Republican who points out, mom will have to take a part-time job to help make the payments, dad will have to sell his bass boat because he can't afford three new vehicle payments and a boat payment and the son is told he will have to delay college by one year because mom and dad are tapped out on car and motorcycle payments. The Republican asks the family if they support the whole deal; including the consequences. Mom and dad immediately come to their senses, but the son is conflicted. He really wants a new motorcycle that someone else is going to pay for, but he understands the hardship this will cause his parents.
Now, let's move to Obamacare. Mom loves the free mammograms, birth control and subsidized coverage for her uninsured low income friend, but hates the fact she is losing her trusted normal primary care physician. Dad likes the removal of the lifetime limits on costs, but hates the higher deductibles and premiums. The son really likes being able to stay on his parents plan until he is 26, but hates the idea that after he reaches that age, he will be forced to buy overpriced health insurance coverage the rest of his life, even if he doesn't want it.
As you can see, cherry-picking the parts of any deal is a poor way to judge if people really support the deal.This is why Obamacare is so unpopular even if many parts of the law are liked by those who would benefit most.
Amusing Tweet: David Axelrod calls Gruber "stupid"
So, why did you pay him $400,000 for consulting on Obamacare?
As one who worked hard to make ACA and its benefits clear, let me say: if you looked up "stupid" in dictionary, you'd find Gruber's picture.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) November 16, 2014
Missouri governor declares state of emergency in advance of Ferguson Grand Jury decision...
Storm clouds are forming...
(Reuters) – Missouri’s governor declared a state of emergency on Monday ahead of a pending grand jury decision on whether to file criminal charges against a white police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri.
Jay Nixon said in an executive order that he was taking the action because “there is the possibility of expanded unrest” regardless of the findings of federal and state investigations, which he said could soon be announced.
USDA Wasted $2.4 Billion in Food Stamp Money in 2014...
If a private company wasted $2.4 Billion, heads would roll.
Via Washington Free Beacon:
Via Washington Free Beacon:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued over $2.4 billion in improper payments on food stamps in fiscal year 2014, according to a new audit by the Office of Inspector General (OIG).
In a report detailing the agency’s financial statements for the year, the OIG accounted for improper payments made from the most high-risk Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) programs.
The OIG said the government has been building up the food “safety net” for decades, adding programs so that now one in four Americans now receive federal food assistance.
Keep on reading…
20% of people using site are having problems with their accounts?
According to HHS Sylvia Mathews
Burwell, 500,000 logged on in one day, but 100,000 had to call customer service.
Via Washington Examiner
Via Washington Examiner
Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said 100,000 people applied for health insurance coverage Saturday, the first day of Obamacare’s year-two open enrollment.
Burwell said an additional 500,000 people already enrolled in the program “logged in effectively” despite criticism that many existing users were unable to access their accounts on
“Some people forget their usernames,” Burwell said, responding to criticism on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Some people are renewing their passwords and other things. If there are any other technical problems, our customer service folks are ready and able to help people.”
Burwell told host Chuck Todd that customer service representatives took more than 100,000 calls Saturday from people seeking help signing up for insurance. [...]
Obama meets national leaders, concerned about Ferguson staying on course...
WTH does "staying on course mean? "
Via NY Times:
Via NY Times:
Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.
According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”
Protest leaders said wholesale change was ultimately what they were demanding, though not all agreed on what that meant. Some called for the removal of the Ferguson police chief or the entire department. Others said they want the police to wear cameras; civilian review boards for all police shootings; or a requirement that ethnic and racial makeup of police departments match the communities they serve.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Obama in 2010: Ignoring current immigration laws "unwise and unfair... could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration"
From Obama's remarks at American University School of International Service, Washington, D.C., July 1, 2010.
Our task then is to make our national laws actually work -– to shape a system that reflects our values as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. And that means being honest about the problem, and getting past the false debates that divide the country rather than bring it together.
For example, there are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. And often this argument is framed in moral terms: Why should we punish people who are just trying to earn a living?
I recognize the sense of compassion that drives this argument, but I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision. And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally.
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