WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration is initiating a program to give refugee status to some young people from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador in response to the influx of unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.Under the program, immigrants from those countries who are lawfully in the United States will be able to request that child relatives still in those three countries be resettled in the United States as refugees. The program would establish in-country processing to screen the young people to determine if they qualify to join relatives in the U.S.In a memorandum to the State Department Tuesday, President Barack Obama allocated 4,000 slots for refugees from Latin America and the Caribbean for next year.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Stupid: Obama administration responds to tsunami of illegal minors by initiating a program to bring in more...
Wrong way Obama strikes again...
Confirmed: The Ebola outbreak has hit the U.S.
Will it spread?
The CDC has confirmed the first Ebola case diagnosed in the U.S. and will hold a news conference at 5:30PM E.T. Tuesday. CNBC's Meg Tirrell has the details. </p>The United States has one confirmed case of Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday, marking the first domestic appearance of the deadly virus that has ravaged swaths of continental Africa.
The as-yet unidentified patient is located in Dallas, officials say, effectively confirming a statement issued on Monday by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. The organization said that an unnamed patient was being tested for Ebola and had been placed in "strict isolation" due to the patient's symptoms and recent travel history.
In a press conference, CDC Director Tom Frieden said the patient in question had been traveling in Liberia, where he may have contracted the disease. He returned to the United States on the 20th of September, after which he sought care. Frieden attempted to assuage concerns about Ebola's contagious effect, saying that the virus was only spread through direct contact, and was not airborne. He vowed that officials would contain a potential spread.
"It is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual...could develop Ebola in the coming weeks," Frieden said, but added that "there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here," Frieden said.
ISIS captures two more towns in Iraq
You mean pinprick strikes aren't effective?
Via Bloomberg:
Via Bloomberg:
Islamic State fighters seized two towns in western Iraq, after besieging hundreds of soldiers, according to a regional official.
The militant group has captured Albu Etha and al-Hamdhiya, Faleh al-Issawi, deputy head of Anbar provincial council, said by phone today. He said some Iraqi troops were killed and others deserted their posts, without giving details.
Earlier the head of the Anbar council, Sabah Karhout, had said that at least two battalions of the Iraqi army, or 260 men, were trapped near Albu Etha, and that efforts were being made to send reinforcements and enable them to break the siege.
The clashes are taking place in a region where U.S.-led airstrikes are seeking to roll back the insurgents’ advance. Karhout and al-Issawi said that Islamic State controls at least half of the city of Ramadi, the provincial capital, though they said that elsewhere in Anbar the airstrikes have enabled security forces to recapture territory.
Keep on reading…
Guess who is about to become the world's biggest oil producer!
It's the U.S. I wonder if they will let us join OPEC?
Via FT:
Via FT:
The US is overtaking Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of liquid petroleum, in a sign of how its booming oil production has reshaped the energy sector.US production of oil and related liquids such as ethane and propane was neck-and-neck with Saudi Arabia in June and again in August at about 11.5m barrels a day, according to the International Energy Agency, the watchdog backed by rich countries.
With US production continuing to boom, its output is set to exceed Saudi Arabia’s this month or next for the first time since 1991.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Flashback Video: Mark Udall on the Collapse of the WTC on 9/11 Truth (Is Mark Udall a 9/11 Truther?)
Is Mark Udall a 9/11 Truther?
Netanyahu To U.N.: “The Nazis Believed In A Master Race, The Militant Islamists Believe In A Master Faith”…
Pay attention Obama...
Via PJM:
Via PJM:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the United Nations General Assembly today about “militant Islam” and chided those who don’t see the connections between ISIS and Hamas or Iran.
“Last week, many of the countries represented here rightly applauded President Obama for leading the effort to confront ISIS. And yet weeks before, some of these same countries, same countries that now support confronting ISIS opposed Israel for confronting Hamas,” Netanyahu said.
“They evidently don’t understand that ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. ISIS and Hamas share a fanatical creed, which they both seek to impose well beyond the territory under their control. Listen to ISIS self-declared caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” he continued. “This is what he said two months ago. ‘A day will soon come when the Muslim will walk everywhere as a master. The Muslims who caused the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism and destroy the idol of democracy.’”
“The Nazis believed in a master race. The militant Islamists believe in a master faith,” he said. “They just disagree who among them will be the master of the master faith.”
Keep on reading…
All three major election forecasting models forecast GOP winning Senate...
The odds have taken a major uptick in the last week.
Via Washington Post:
Via Washington Post:
All three major election forecasting models saw an uptick in the likelihood of Republicans winning the six seats they need to retake the Senate majority over the past week, movement largely due to the party’s strengthened chances in Alaska, Colorado and Iowa.
The most bullish model for Republicans is Washington Post’s Election Lab, which, as of Monday morning, gives the GOP a 76 percent chance of winning the majority. Leo, the New York Times model, pegs it at 67 percent while FiveThirtyEight shows Republicans with a 60 percent probability. A week ago, Election Lab gave Republicans a 65 percent chance of winning the majority, Leo put it a 55 percent and FiveThirtyEight had it just under 55 percent.
All three models give Republicans very strong odds of winning the open seats in Montana, South Dakota and West Virginia as well as beating Sens. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Mary Landrieu (D-La.). That would net Republicans five seats, one short of the number they need for the majority.
Keep on reading…
Scary: Arizona smokers hit with big tax bills for buying cigs online...
In order for this 2012 federal law to have passed, Republicans in the House would have to agreed.
About 30,000 Arizona smokers who bought cigarettes online are being hit with bills for thousands of dollars in unpaid state taxes.
The Arizona Department of Revenue says smokers owe the state more than $20 for each carton they purchased after 2006 through online companies that offered discounts by sidestepping state use and luxury taxes.
Smokers who thought they had saved more half off the retail price of cigarettes are receiving letters from the state demanding immediate payment for the unpaid taxes, plus penalties and interest.
Annette Borden of Chandler got a $4,299.20 payment demand last week for cigarettes she purchased online between 2007 and 2009.[...]
In 2012, federal law made online cigarette sales illegal. Companies were forced to give customer lists and purchase data to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which distributed it to states.
Another Muslim in Oklahoma wants to cut Christian's necks...
Are there a lot of radical mosques in Oklahoma?
Via News OK:
Via News OK:
In a bizarre coincidence, a fired Oklahoma City nursing home employee was arrested Friday after a co-worker reported he threatened to cut her head off.
Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a terrorism complaint. His bail is set at $1 million.
“We take these threats very seriously,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said.
The arrest came on the same day police in Moore revealed fired Vaughan Foods worker Alton Alexander Nolen beheaded a co-worker after he was fired Thursday. Nolen is a Muslim convert.
Muriithi was identified as a native of Kenya who is living in Oklahoma City. He worked at Bellevue Nursing Home in northwest Oklahoma City, police reported. [...]
She said Muriithi identified himself as a Muslim and said he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the detective told a judge in the affidavit. The two had not worked together before.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Confirmed: Apple iPhone 6 is much easier to bend than the Apple iPhone 5
Consumer Reports tried to put a positive spin on it, but the truth is the iPhone 6 is one of the more bendable phones. The way major media outlets are rushing to Apple's defense calls into question their motives.
Results of Consumer Reports smart phone bend test
Case separation HTC One (M8)
70 pounds 90 pounds Apple iPhone 6 70 pounds 100 pounds Apple iPhone 6 Plus
90 pounds 110 pounds LG G3 130 pounds 130 pounds Apple iPhone 5 130 pounds 150 pounds Samsung Galaxy Note 3 150 pounds 150 pounds
Secret Service morale is so bad they may actually be looking forward to taking a bullet...
I suspect the current sad state of the Secret Service has something to do with the current occupant of the White House.
Via WaPo:
Via WaPo:
[...]But their reputation no longer shines like it once did.
When Omar Jose Gonzalez scaled the White House fence last week, sprinted across the North Lawn and reached the mansion’s front door, he dirtied the image of an agency that until just a few years ago was incomparably clean.
How do the falling fortunes of an agency affect employee morale, which is an important factor in employee performance? Leadership is key to both.
One independent look at the Secret Service found employee attitudes to be in a nose dive long before the recent fence-jumper.
The “Best Places to Work in the Federal Government” report by the Partnership for Public Service depicts an agency that seems to have lost its way. The agency’s index score dropped 13 points over three years, from 65.8 in 2011 to 52.8 last year. The score is a measure of employee satisfaction and commitment. The Best Places data is drawn from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, which is administered by the Office of Personnel Management.
“These numbers are a blinking warning sign that something has gone off track here,” said John Palguta, the Partnership’s vice president for policy.[...] Read more here.
Guess who won the Values Voter Summit presidential straw poll
It was Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
Via Breitbart:
Via Breitbart:
For the second year in a row, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) won the Values Voter Summit presidential straw poll.
After electrifying the audience on Friday by urging them to never abandon conservative values to see another morning in America, Cruz, the potential 2016 presidential contender, received 25% of the vote while Dr. Ben Carson was second with 20%. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was third with 12% of the vote.
In the vice presidential straw poll, Carson was first with 22% of the vote. Cruz was second with 14%. And Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who may run as the ideas candidate to possibly get on the ticket a la John Edwards in the 2004 Democratic presidential primary, was third with 11%.
As The Hill noted, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), the libertarian-leaning candidate potential presidential candidate, was “the notable absence from the winners’ list.” Paul received a lukewarm reception on Friday.
Keep on reading…
This New Ad is Driving Liberals Crazy: AFSP | Dating Profile
AFSP | Dating Profile
Joni Ernst is now 6 points ahead of Democrat in Iowa Senate race...
Joni Ernst is making Democrats squeal in Iowa.
[...]The Democratic U.S. Senate candidate is 6 points behind his GOP rival, Joni Ernst, according to The Des Moines Register's new Iowa Poll of likely voters.
Ernst leads 44 percent to 38 percent in a race that has for months been considered deadlocked. She leads nearly 4-1 with rural voters, and is up double digits with independents.
"Very interesting, and good news not just for Ernst but also for the GOP's chances of taking the U.S. Senate," said national political prognosticator Larry Sabato of "Sabato's Crystal Ball."[...] Keep on reading...
Russia discovers huge new oilfield in Arctic...
You can be sure they won't let environmental concerns keep them from developing it.
Via Bloomberg:
Via Bloomberg:
Russia, viewed by the Obama administration as hostile to U.S. interests, has discovered what may prove to be a vast pool of oil in one of the world’s most remote places with the help of America’s largest energy company.
Russia’s state-run OAO Rosneft said a well drilled in the Kara Sea region of the Arctic Ocean with Exxon Mobil Corp. struck oil, showing the region has the potential to become one of the world’s most important crude-producing areas.
The announcement was made by Igor Sechin, Rosneft’s chief executive officer, who spent two days sailing on a Russian research ship to the drilling rig where the find was unveiled today. The well found about 1 billion barrels of oil and similar geology nearby means the surrounding area may hold more than the U.S. part of the Gulf or Mexico, he said.
“It exceeded our expectations,” Sechin said in an interview. This discovery is of “exceptional significance in showing the presence of hydrocarbons in the Arctic.”
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Tax dollars at work: 300,000 studying how “humans interact with bicycles”
Apparently, our government thinks riding a bike is poorly understood. My 6 year old granddaughter disagrees.
Via The Washington Free beacon:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) spent $300,000 studying how “humans interact with bicycles,” the latest example of what a House committee chairman calls waste in the agency.
The premise for the project, which was conducted between October 2009 and June 2013, was that bicycle dynamics are “poorly understood,” and researchers set out to come up with new designs to encourage more Americans to bike to lower their carbon footprint.
“Although human operator control models exist for numerous aircraft and other vehicles, the bicycle with a rider is a human-vehicle system whose dynamic behavior is poorly understood,” researchers at the University of California, Davis said in a paper publishing their interim results.
The paper said the authors had “deeper questions” about how people control bikes,
Got a spoon encrusted with SpaghettiOs sauce? That's a jailing in Florida....
The war on drugs has intended consequences and victims. Ashley Gabrielle Huff did a month in jail before the crime lab cleared her.
GAINESVILLE, Florida (KRON) — A Florida woman may pursue legal action against police and prosecutors after she spent more than a month in jail for possession of SpaghettiOs.
Police say they arrested 23-year old Ashley Gabrielle Huff after they found a spoon covered with a suspicious residue inside the car she was riding in.
Beheading comes to America: Image shows Oklahoma Muslim convert giving one finger ISIS salute...
Barack Obama is undoubtedly still struggling to understand why “Jah’Keem Yisrael”did this heinous crime.
Via Daily Caller:
Via Daily Caller:
Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen calls himself “Jah’Keem Yisrael” on his Facebook page, where he uploaded photos of himself reading the Koran and wearing Muslim religious clothing.
Nolen’s Facebook “cover” photo appears to be of several Taliban fighters, according to a Google reverse image search.
A Philadelphia-based friend asked Nolen if he was praying in one of his photographs at “the Masjid on Luzerne,” appearing to refer to the Muslim American Society of Philadelphia. Nolen replied, “LAA,” to which his friend responded, “oh you not in Philadelphia.”
“I JST WANT TO SAY AS AN MUSLIM WE DNT CELEBRATE AMERIKAS HOLIDAYS,” he wrote in a caption accompanying a photograph of an Islamist fighter.
Keep on reading…
Friday, September 26, 2014
Amusing Tweet of the Day: The Economist cover to depict Obama as former President George W. Bush
This will leave a mark...
This week's cover preview:
Mission relaunched
September 27th – October 3rd 2014
Read via: http://t.co/oojziSoY1o pic.twitter.com/v7zXxpvYNp
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) September 25, 2014
The FBI isn't happy about Apple and Google developing effective smartphone encryption
Barack Obama hardest hit. Or is it Eric Holder?
Via Washington Post:
Via Washington Post:
FBI Director James B. Comey sharply criticized Apple and Google on Thursday for developing forms of smartphone encryption so secure that law enforcement officials cannot easily gain access to information stored on the devices — even when they have valid search warrants.
His comments were the most forceful yet from a top government official but echo a chorus of denunciation from law enforcement officials nationwide. Police have said that the ability to search photos, messages and Web histories on smartphones is essential to solving a range of serious crimes, including murder, child pornography and attempted terrorist attacks.
“There will come a day when it will matter a great deal to the lives of people . . . that we will be able to gain access” to such devices, Comey told reporters in a briefing. “I want to have that conversation [with companies responsible] before that day comes.”
Keep on eading…
Sad: Ex-U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. may be near his "beam me up" moment...
Ex-U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. was a very colorful character who was known for ending his congressional speeches by exclaiming "beam me up." He was expelled from Congress for taking bribes and other crimes. Mr. Traficant is in a medically induced coma after having a tractor flip over on him.
GREENFORD — Ex-U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. is in “very critical condition” after an accident on his family farm, his wife, Tish Traficant, said today.
The former congressman, 73, is “sedated and he’s not doing well,” his wife told The Vindicator a few minutes before heading back to the St. Elizabeth Health Center in Youngstown, where he was taken after first being rushed to Salem Regional Hospital.
Traficant was driving a 1943 Ford tractor about 7:50 p.m. Tuesday at his family farm on West South Range Road about 140 feet into a large pole barn when the vehicle struck a large steel blade on the ground, said Goshen Police Chief Steve T. McDaniel.
That caused the tractor to flip with Traficant still in the vehicle’s seat, but trapped with the tractor on top of him, McDaniel said.[snip]
Doctors will determine if there is any brain activity about 72 hours after he was brought to St. Elizabeth, Kovachik said.
70 percent figure of new illegal immigrant family flood fail to appear at federal immigration offices
If you thought this would be any different, you are naive.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Tens of thousands of young families caught crossing the border illegally earlier this year subsequently failed to meet with federal immigration agents, as they were instructed, the Homeland Security Department has acknowledged privately.
An official with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed that about 70 percent of immigrant families the Obama administration had released into the U.S. never showed up weeks later for follow up appointments.
The ICE official made the disclosure in a confidential meeting at its Washington headquarters with immigration advocates participating in a federal working group on detention and enforcement policies. The Associated Press obtained an audio recording of Wednesday’s meeting and separately interviewed participants.
On the recording obtained by the AP, the government did not specify the total number of families released into the U.S. since October. Since only a few hundred families have already been returned to their home countries and limited U.S. detention facilities can house only about 1,200 family members, the 70 percent figure suggests the government released roughly 41,000 members of immigrant families who subsequently failed to appear at federal immigration offices.
The official, who was not identified by name on the recording obtained by the AP, also said final deportation had been ordered for at least 860 people traveling as families caught at the border since May but only 14 people had reported as ordered.
Interesting: The Post Office wants to deliver your groceries...
Grocery coupons at Amazon
If they can make a profit and not subsidize it with taxpayer money, why not?
Via WaPo:
If they can make a profit and not subsidize it with taxpayer money, why not?
Via WaPo:
After nearly six years of multibillion-dollar losses, the U.S. Postal Service has developed a new plan to help turn its finances around: Daily grocery deliveries.
The Postal Service sent its proposal to the Postal Regulatory Commission on Tuesday, seeking approval from the panel. The agency wants to begin testing on Oct. 24, with the process lasting up to two years, although it could choose to make the program permanent at a sooner date.
Under the plan, USPS would work with retail partners to deliver “groceries and other prepackaged goods” to homes between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. at locations designated by consumers. Participating grocery stores would have to drop off their orders at post offices between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Mayor Bill de Blasio killed the groundhog used during the Groundhog Day celebration
Where's PETA? Oh, they are focusing on cannibals now.
Via Fox News:
Via Fox News:
New York’s Staten Island Zoo attempted to cover up news that the groundhog accidentally dropped by Mayor Bill de Blasio during the Groundhog Day celebration died from internal injuries a week after the fall, The New York Post reported.
Sources told the paper that the groundhog was a female replacement named “Charlotte.” She died from internal injuries a week after the fall, the source said.
The paper reported Thursday that the zoo pulls in $3.5 million a year from the city. The staff was reportedly told by the zoo to avoid telling the mayor’s office. The zoo went with the story that the animal died from natural causes.
Shameful: Taxpayers foot $266 a day bill to house illegal immigrants...
I can get them an oceanfront room in Myrtle Beach for less than that amount.
Via Washington Examiner:
Via Washington Examiner:
A new and critical report on the Obama administration’s treatment and detention of illegal immigrants reveals that it costs $266 a day to house each person for a potential total cost of millions daily.
The 11-page report from Detention Watch Network focused on the new detention facility in Artesia, N.M., and found that the 672-bed facility costs $266 per person to operate. The report also noted that overall, immigration officials detained 478,000 illegals in 2012, raising the possible detention cost to taxpayers to over $100 million a day.
The local La Quinta Inn and Suites charges $149 a room and offers a kitchenette, free breakfast, free internet and free parking.
The report provided to Secrets charges that immigrants housed in the brand new facility opened in June are being mistreated.
“These families have braved the dangerous journey to the U.S. to seek safety and protection from violence in their home countries,” said the report, titled “Expose & Close.” It added, “In response, our government has incarcerated them in the Artesia Family Residential Center, a remote facility, hours away from legal counsel and social services, under physically and psychologically harmful conditions that only further compound the traumas that they have already endured.”
Keep on reading…
Interesting: Latino organization encouraging Hispanic voters to vote against four Democratic senators
These senators are in key swing states. I say, "Giddy up."
Via HuffPo:
Via HuffPo:
A major Latino organization announced plans Tuesday to encourage Hispanic voters to think twice before casting a ballot for four Democratic senators currently seeking re-election in key swing states.
Presente Action issued a statement Tuesday to say it would target four Democrats who the group says have opposed immigration reform. The group cited the senators’ support for a procedural vote held last week that the group says amounted to a vote against expanded deportation relief for undocumented immigrants.
The four Democrats are Sens. Kay Hagan (N.C.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Mark Pryor (Ark.) and Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.).
While the senators did not actually vote to oppose executive action on immigration, they joined Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in pushing for a vote on amendments that would have restricted the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, and prevented any expansion of executive action on immigration. The measure failed 50 to 50, with every Republican, along with five Democrats, supporting it.
After saving all the animals on the planet. PETA is trying to force a cannibal to eat vegan...
(Photo: Clark County (Ind.) jail)
Via USA Today:
Animal rights group PETA has sparked fury from a local sheriff by demanding that an Indiana man accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend and eating parts of her body receive a vegan diet while he is in custody, according to local media.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) sent a letter to Clark County Acting Sheriff Brian Meyer, encouraging him to provide a diet free of animal products for Joseph Oberhansley, reported the Jeffersonville News & Tribune.
Oberhansley, 33, is accused of breaking into the Jeffersonville home of ex-girlfriend Tammy Jo Blanton, 46, murdering her and abusing her corpse by eating parts of it. He was arrested on Sept.11 and arraigned on Monday. Jeffersonville is across the Ohio River from Louisville.
ISIS responds to Obama's bombing by attacking and seizing more territory...
Pinprick bombing won't work. The bombing we are currently doing seems to be aimed at killing the fewest ISIS terrorists possible. Why else would we attack mostly empty buildings in the middle of the night?
(Reuters) – U.S. and coalition planes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria again on Wednesday, but the strikes did not halt the fighters’ advance in a Kurdish area where fleeing refugees told of villages burnt and captives beheaded.
U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking at the United Nations, asked the world to join together to fight the militants and vowed to keep up military pressure against them. [...]
Syrian Kurds said Islamic State had responded to U.S. attacks by intensifying its assault near the Turkish border in northern Syria, where 140,000 civilians have fled in recent days in the fastest exodus of the three-year civil war.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Sec. of State John Kerry tries to explain the greenhouse gas effect...
It is obvious Kerry doesn't really understand the greenhouse gas effect. He was classically trained as a lawyer, not a scientist. John should definitely try to keep his day job.
John Kerry said
John Kerry said
In fact, this is not really a complicated equation. I know sometimes I can remember from when I was in high school and college, some aspects of science or physics can be tough – chemistry. But this is not tough. This is simple. Kids at the earliest age can understand this.
Try and picture a very thin layer of gases – a quarter-inch, half an inch, somewhere in that vicinity – that’s how thick it is. It’s in our atmosphere. It’s way up there at the edge of the atmosphere. And for millions of years – literally millions of years – we know that layer has acted like a thermal blanket for the planet – trapping the sun’s heat and warming the surface of the Earth to the ideal, life-sustaining temperature. Average temperature of the Earth has been about 57 degrees Fahrenheit, which keeps life going. Life itself on Earth exists because of the so-called greenhouse effect. But in modern times, as human beings have emitted gases into the air that come from all the things we do, that blanket has grown thicker and it traps more and more heat beneath it, raising the temperature of the planet. It’s called the greenhouse effect because it works exactly like a greenhouse in which you grow a lot of the fruit that you eat here.
This is what’s causing climate change. It’s a huge irony that the very same layer of gases that has made life possible on Earth from the beginning now makes possible the greatest threat that the planet has ever seen.
Obama's moderate Syrian rebels condemn his bombing of ISIS...
It's really hard to find any good guy in the Middle East, with the exception of Israel.
Via LA Times:
Via LA Times:
… One of the administration’s favored moderate rebel factions, Harakat Hazm, part of the Free Syrian Army alliance and a recipient of U.S. missiles and training, issued a statement Tuesday denouncing the “external intervention” — that is, the U.S.-led bombing campaign in Syria — as “an attack on the revolution.”
The group said its main goal was toppling Assad. It is demanding “unconditional arming” of the Free Syrian Army, yet its members also acknowledge fighting alongside Al Nusra Front, the official Al Qaeda force in Syria.
Still, the country’s motley bands of fighters labeled as moderates may well be the White House’s best hope for now. It has few other options.
Obama at U.N.: Islam is a religion of peace...
Islam is a religion that was spread by war and conquest. A large number of it's followers haven't forgotten that.
Via WaPo:
Via WaPo:
…I have made it clear that America will not base our entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. Rather, we have waged a focused campaign against al Qaeda and its associated forces – taking out their leaders, and denying them the safe-havens they rely upon. At the same time, we have reaffirmed that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.
U.S. targeting ISIS refineries...
Smart move...
Washington (CNN) -- U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern Syria on Wednesday, targeting what a Pentagon official described as mobile oil refineries being used by the so-called Islamic State terror group.
The latest round of airstrikes were aimed at cutting off money flowing to ISIS, which makes up to $2 million a day from oil produced by the refineries, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, told CNN.Fighter jets from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates flew alongside U.S. aircraft during the operation, hitting 12 locations, Kirby said.The airstrikes came just hours after U.S. President Barack Obama called for united action to confront ISIS, also referred to as ISIL.
Obama's fundraising trips cost taxpayers $1,159,823 in just one month
Rich liberals may be the only group Obama is still popular with.
Via Washington Examiner:
Via Washington Examiner:
Taxpayers had to cough up $1,159,823 in just one month to fly President Obama to New York and Denver to raise money for Democrats and attend an LGBT event, according to documents obtained by a taxpayer watchdog group.
Judicial Watch told Secrets that the Air Force just provided expense reports detailing the flight costs of Air Force One to the cities in July.
The documents show that president’s July 8-9 fundraising trip to Denver cost the taxpayers $695,894.10.
His July 17-18 fundraising trip to New York City cost taxpayers $463,929.40.
Keep on reading…
Meet Mr. 35%
Via The Corner:
Via The Corner:
Barack Obama’s approval rating slid into dangerous territory this week, with the latest Reuters-Ipsos poll showing just 35 percent of Americans approve of the president’s job performance even as he leads the nation into a war against Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East.
Fifty-eight percent of Americans expressed disapproval of the White House’s current occupant — 37 percent of them “strongly.” Just 17 percent strongly approved of Obama’s current performance.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Tweet of the Day: US CENSUS BUREAU finds uninsured actually increased in 2014...
Obamacare hardest hit...
US CENSUS BUREAU: 1.25 million MORE Americans uninsured in January to April 2014 than in 2013. pic.twitter.com/TSdSHAWSYB
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) September 19, 2014
Government employees cash advance government credit cards at casinos and racetracks...
When I pay for work related items (several hundred $ a month,) I use my credit card and file a request for a check, or expense report, that is signed by my boss. Why do government employees have taxpayer funded credit cards?
Via Washington Free Beacon:
Via Washington Free Beacon:
Department of Transportation (DOT) employees use government credit cards for cash advances at casinos and racetracks, according to a report by the Office of Inspector General (OIG).
Employees misused their government-issued travel cards in 2012, racking up $2.1 million in charges for personal items, and more than $180,000 in unauthorized cash advances while they were not on business trips.
The audit, released last week, examined the travel card program, which employees are authorized to use on hotels, transportation, and meals during government travel. The OIG found that the DOT does not have effective policies in place to prevent the government credit cards from being misused. In fact, the agency has no policy prohibiting employees from taking cash advances out at casinos.
Keep on reading…
Obama has used 5 words for war on ISIS. War isn't one of them.
Obama gets called out by liberal Salon no less.
Via Salon:
Via Salon:
1) “Effort” Perhaps Obama’s favorite euphemism for what the U.S. is up to. In his September 10 address, Obama distinguished the “wars” in Iraq and Afghanistan from the “effort” against ISIS. “This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground,” Obama explained. In his weekly address on Saturday, the president said that “[t]his is an effort that America has the unique ability to lead.”
2) “Process” Asked in August 28 press conference whether he planned to seek congressional authorization for military action against ISIS, Obama sounded like the caricature of the professorial, technocratic president his critics purport him to be. “You know, I have consulted with Congress throughout this process,” Obama replied. “I am confident that as commander in chief I have the authorities to engage in the acts that we are conducting currently.”
3) “Fight” As close as Obama’s willing to get to saying the W-word. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday before departing for the United Nations, Obama said that U.S. air strikes in Iraq and Syria were “not America’s fight alone,” echoing his September 20 address in which he said that it was “a fight in which all countries have a stake.”
4) “Campaign” Not unlike a swing through Iowa and New Hampshire! Explaining his expansion of the war into Syria on Tuesday, the president noted, “I made clear that as part of this campaign the United States would take action against targets in both Iraq and Syria so that these terrorists can’t find safe haven anywhere.”
5) “A Moment of American Leadership.” Concluding his radio address on Saturday, Obama called this “a moment of American leadership … a moment we will meet.” Leadership. Exceptionalism. America.
CDC: Ebola cases may hit 1.4 million by late January
The outbreak continues to grow...
LONDON (AP) — New estimates from the World Health Organization warn the number of Ebola cases could hit 21,000 in six weeks unless efforts to curb the outbreak are ramped up.
Since the first cases were reported six months ago, the tally of cases in West Africa has reached an estimated 5,800 illnesses. WHO officials say cases are continuing to increase exponentially and Ebola could sicken people for years to come without better control measures.
In recent weeks, health officials worldwide have stepped up efforts to provide aid but the virus is still spreading. There aren't enough hospital beds, health workers or even soap and water in the hardest-hit West African countries: Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.[snip]
CDC scientists conclude there may be as many as 21,000 reported and unreported cases in just those two countries as soon as the end of this month, according to a draft version of the report obtained by The Associated Press. They also predict that the two countries could have a staggering 550,000 to 1.4 million cases by late January.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Useful idiot John Kerry: Mother Nature is “screaming at us” over carbon emissions
Calm down Lurch, the sky is not falling.
Via Fox News:
Via Fox News:
… Earlier at the event, Kerry delivered a climate change rallying cry ahead of Tuesday’s Summit. Explaining that Mother Nature is “screaming at us” over carbon emissions, Kerry compared climate change to challenges such as terrorism, poverty, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
“As Secretary of State, I promise you I am personally committed to making sure that this is front and center in all of our diplomatic efforts,” he said.
Carbon Footprint Update: Obama flies out for another round of golf...
Reducing your carbon footprint is for the little people.
Pres Obama has flown to @AndrewsAirForce from Camp David for a round of golf with aides.Sunny and 81°. High of 86°.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) September 21, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Make fun of the Peoria Mayor with a parody twitter account...That's a swat raid...
Parody Twitter account @peoriamayor pissed off mayor of Peoria, who sent SWAT; college kid now facing drug charges. http://t.co/j9XQSdxZ9z
— Nameless Cynic (@NamelessCynic) September 20, 2014
This is what it has come to in America. Sadly, an activist judge ruled this swat raid was legal.
The police hadn’t even come for him. When four fully-armed officers of a Swat team burst into Jacob Elliott’s house in Peoria, Illinois in April they were looking for the source of a parody Twitter feed that had upset the town’s mayor by poking fun at him.
It transpired that one of Elliott’s housemates, Jon Daniel, had created the fake Twitter account, @peoriamayor, and so incensed the real-life official, Jim Ardis, with his make-believe account of drug binges and sex orgies that the police were dispatched. Elliott was just a bystander in the affair, but that didn’t stop the Swat team searching his bedroom, looking under his pillow and in a closet where they discovered a bag of marijuana and dope-smoking paraphernalia.
Elliott now faces charges of felony marijuana possession.[snip]
A Peoria judge this week ruled that the police were entitled to raid the house on North University Street on 15 April under the town’s “false personation” law which makes it illegal to pass yourself off as a public official.
Fail: Keynote speaker at California GOP Conventions says she might vote for demo Gov. Jerry Brown...
This is why RINO's have to be run out of the Republican Party. What's the point of having a Republican Party if they are going to support Democrats and their causes?
Via The LA Times:
Via The LA Times:
The state Republican Party’s fall convention opened on a sour note Friday when the night’s keynote speaker acknowledged she might vote to reelect Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.
Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, the star of the evening’s tribute to Republican women and a candidate for state controller, told reporters she still hadn’t made up her mind whether to vote for Brown or Neel Kashkari, his GOP opponent in the Nov. 4 election.
“I’m looking at the two candidates like other Californians are,” she said.
Flashback to 1993: Harry Reid's "Hispanic Outreach" (Flaming Hypocrisy Alert)
Wow. Just wow.
Harry Reid's "Hispanic Outreach"
Demo Congresswoman Maxine Waters doesn't know anything about our Constitution or Sharia...
Rep. Maxine Waters thinks our Constitution and sharia are compatible...
Canada is revoking passports of Canadians who go to fight for ISIS or other extremist group...
If only Obama and democrats were this sane...
Via National Post
Via National Post
The government has begun invalidating the passports of Canadians who have left to join extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander revealed in an interview on Friday.
The minister told the National Post his department had also revoked the passports of several Canadians who had not yet left the country but who had intended to travel to the volatile region to enlist as foreign fighters.
He would not disclose the number of passports Citizenship and Immigration Canada had revoked over the conflict but said there were “multiple cases.” The government says about 30 Canadians are with extremist groups in Syria and 130 are active elsewhere.
“Yes, I think it’s safe to say that there are cases of revocation of passports involving people who’ve gone to Syria and Iraq already,” Mr. Alexander said. “I just don’t want to get into the numbers, but multiple cases.”[...]
Saturday, September 20, 2014
You got to hear this story (Navy Seal shot 17 times, then he goes to work...)
Navy SEAL's Amazing Survival: 'God Get Me Home'
Unlikely: SCOTUS Chief Justice Roberts says law, not politics, drives Supreme Court's rulings
If anyone thinks Robert's Obamacare vote was based on law, not politics, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them. John Roberts can't be this stupid. I must surmise he is being disingenuous.
LINCOLN — While political partisanship flourishes in the halls of Congress, it has no place in the chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court, the chief justice said Friday in remarks to Nebraska law students.
Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. said he worries that the partisan rancor of the age has skewed the public understanding of the court’s role in government. During a 55-minute talk at the University of Nebraska College of Law, he stressed that the rule of law, rather than politics, drives the court’s decisions.
“We are not Democrats and Republicans in how we go about it,” he told an audience of 500, as estimated by university officials. “In nine years, I’ve never seen any sort of political issue like that arise between us.”
Tweet of the Day: Dr. Milton Wolf zings the GOPe...
Incumbent Senator Pat Roberts is down 5 points in the latest poll to an “Independent” Candidate.
The best thing for Republicans would be for Roberts to drop out and Dr. Milton Wolf to be named as his replacement.
#ThrowbackThursday —> Remember when the GOP establishment said that they, and only they, can win in November? Good times, good times.
— Dr. Milton Wolf (@miltonwolfmd) September 19, 2014
The best thing for Republicans would be for Roberts to drop out and Dr. Milton Wolf to be named as his replacement.
Family of Benghazi victim sues State Department and CIA
I can't wait to see Hillary Clinton on the stand pondering the meaning of the word "is."
Via Washington Times:
Via Washington Times:
The family of Glen Doherty, the former Navy SEAL killed in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, has filed a $2 million claim against the CIA and the State Department.
Barbara Doherty, the CIA contractor and former SEAL’s mother, filed a claim last week with the two government agencies for $1 million each. The family does not believe there was adequate security at the U.S. diplomatic outpost and a CIA annex when they were attacked Sept. 11, 2012.
Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the CIA, said the agency would have no comment on the potential litigation, the Associated Press reported Friday. The State Department also declined to provide comment to the wire service.
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Friday, September 19, 2014
Unaccompanied alien children will cost one school district in Louisiana $4.6 million this year
Via Washington Free Beacon:
Via Washington Free Beacon:
The influx of unaccompanied alien children will cost one school district in Louisiana $4.6 million alone this year, as local school budgets across the country are bearing the brunt of the thousands of illegal immigrant minors who crossed the border this summer.
According to the Louisiana department of education’s response to an inquiry by Sen. David Vitter (R., La.), the Jefferson Parish School System will be forced to hire dozens more teachers to teach English to the more than 500 illegal alien children who have been relocated there.
“It’s a very significant cost to the Louisiana taxpayer, and that’s just education,” Vitter told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday. “We have plenty of other categories that are impacted, like health care, emergency room and other health care, and other benefits. That’s just public education.”
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Popcorn Alert: Al Jazeera America is suing former Vice President Al Gore
Good times...
NEW YORK (AP) — Al Jazeera America is suing former Vice President Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the former owners of the TV network that became Al Jazeera America.
The parties are fighting over money that is being held in escrow. The former vice president and Hyatt, the founder of Hyatt Legal Services, sued the network last month saying that it was improperly withholding tens of millions of dollars placed in escrow when Al Jazeera bought Current TV for $500 million.
Al Jazeera America says it is entitled to the money because Gore and Hyatt agreed to indemnify the network for claims made against Current TV, but didn’t live up to their promise. It accuses the pair of “misrepresentations” and says they received hundreds of millions of dollars from the sale.
Gore and Hyatt filed a lawsuit against the network in the Delaware Court of Chancery. The two men each owned 20 percent of Current TV.
AP Washington Bureau Chief Sally Buzbee releases list of 8 ways Obama is making journalists jobs hard...
I don't understand why Obama is going to so much trouble to hide information that makes him look bad. Most of the mainstream media wouldn't report it anyway.
Here is Buzbee’s list of eight ways the Obama administration is making it hard for journalists to find information and cover the news:
1) As the United States ramps up its fight against Islamic militants, the public can’t see any of it. News organizations can’t shoot photos or video of bombers as they take off — there are no embeds. In fact, the administration won’t even say what country the S. bombers fly from.2) The White House once fought to get cameramen, photographers and reporters into meetings the president had with foreign leaders overseas. That access has become much rarer. Think about the message that sends other nations about how the world’s leading democracy deals with the media: Keep them out and let them use handout photos.[snip]5) Day-to-day intimidation of sources is chilling. AP’s transportation reporter’s sources say that if they are caught talking to her, they will be fired. Even if they just give her facts, about safety, for example. Government press officials say their orders are to squelch anything controversial or that makes the administration look bad.6) One of the media — and public’s — most important legal tools, the Freedom of Information Act, is under siege. Requests for information under FOIA have become slow and expensive. Many federal agencies simply don’t respond at all in a timely manner, forcing news organizations to sue each time to force action.
Join ISIS...Get Cornholed...
It isn't just the little girls getting raped...
Via Shoebat:
Abu Ala’ made a fatwa permitting himself to marry and sodomize his recruits, with the exception that no man can sodomize him.
ISIS is truly the manifestation of the purest form of the homosexual agenda: sodomizing men as both torture and pleasure, and killing those who disagree with them.
The incredible testimony confirms a documentary broadcasted on August 27th on the Kurdish station STERK TV, it was said that ISIS has been raping men in a ceremony it describes as “marriage” and records them to use as blackmail and force them to join.
ISIS uses rape, including gang rape, as a tactic of fear to intimidate populations it seeks to control, according to an August 28th report by the Firat News Agency, a Kurdish agency based in Amsterdam.
The STERK TV documentary records the confessions of more than 20 ISIS fighters who were captured by Kurdish fighters in Syria and includes horrific footage of ISIS crimes:
Liberals aren't too happy with Hillary...
Will they salute and fall in line?
Via The Hill:
Via The Hill:
Emails sent by liberal activists and obtained by The Hill reveal significant dissatisfaction with Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.
The critical messages about the former first lady show that she has a long way to go to assuage skepticism from influential voices on the left.
The Hill reviewed hundreds of emails from a progressive members only Google group called the “Gamechanger Salon,” a forum where nearly 1,500 activists, strategists and journalists debate issues and craft messaging campaigns.
The group includes prominent Democrats, Sierra Club officials, journalists who work for The Huffington Post and The Nation magazine, senior union representatives, leaders at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and the president of NARAL.
In the emails spanning over a year — starting in June 2013 through July of this year — frustration with Clinton is evident.
Clinton’s too much of a hawk, too cozy with Wall Street, hasn’t spoken out enough on climate change, and will be subject to personal questions and criticisms, members of the group stated in the emails.
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Thursday, September 18, 2014
Fundraiser-in-Chief Barack Obama has attended 49 fundraisers this year...
It's the only thing Obama is really good at...
Via Capitol City Project:
Via Capitol City Project:
Despite many Democratic politicians distancing themselves from President Obama’s low approval ratings and declining his assistance– even in their own backyard– he’s still doing a good amount to help raise money for various groups. So far this year, on average, Obama is attending a fundraiser every 5 days.
According to a new report, Obama has appeared at 49 fundraisers this year through September 15 — even taking the time out of his beloved vacation at Martha’s Vineyard this past August.
“When we looked at Obama’s fundraising in May, we figured out that he was on pace to go to a fundraiser every six days or so. Now, he’s at five-and-a-quarter. That’s thanks to a particularly active summer; the president even attended a fundraiser during his putative vacation on Martha’s Vineyard in August.”
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Demo Senator kills Ted Cruz attempt to fast-track bill to strip citizenship for American ISIS fighters...
If one of these animals kills an American after returning home, the blood is on Democrat freshman Hawaii senator Mazie Hirono's hands.
Via Daily Mail:
Via Daily Mail:
A showdown over the passports of so called ‘foreign fighters’ – Americans and other westerners who have joined the ISIS terror army in Iraq and Syria – came to a head on Thursday when a U.S. senator killed legislation aiming to strip them of their citizenship.
Democrat Mazie Hirono, a freshman senator from Hawaii, objected on the Senate floor when Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas tried to fast-track his ‘Expatriate Terrorists Act.’
Cruz bypassed the Senate’s committee process in order to rush the legislation to a vote, meaning that any single senator could block it.
Since the Senate is sprinting through its final days in session this year, he said, putting the bill through committee ‘would mean that it could not pass in time to prevent Americans fighting right now with ISIS from coming back and murdering other Americans.’
‘There is an urgency and an exigency to this situation,’ Cruz said on the Senate floor.
Hirono said she chose to throw up a road block because ‘legislation that grants the government the ability to strip citizenship from Americans is a serious matter raising significant constitutional issues.’
She also cited letters of objection from the Constitution Project and the American Civil Liberties Union.
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