Monday, July 7, 2014

CNN’s Candy Crowley On Murrieta Bus Protests: “Oh My Goodness, The Poor Children”…

No liberal bias here...

Via NRO:
CNN’s Candy Crowley slammed a small-town mayor Sunday for not taking a harder line against American citizens who are protesting a flood of illegal immigrants into his town.
Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Murrieta, California Mayor Alan Long pointed out that federal authorities, not his office, made the decision Tuesday to divert three busloads of undocumented immigrants from a detention center in the Riverside County city of 107,000.
Crowley repeatedly chastised Long, however, for not clearing the streets of protestors.
“As you look at these protests, the overwhelming concern did not seem to be, ‘Oh my goodness, the poor children,” Crowley said, “The overwhelming concern seemed to be, ‘Go away. Not here.’ If this is an American concern, are you at all rethinking the idea that a town can turn away busloads of children without documents who are on their way to a federal processing center?”
Keep on reading…

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