Friday, March 8, 2013

Petition to keep NASA budget above 1% of budget total

For a President who claims he is in the side of science, Obama sure isn't funding anything that isn't a green scam. During the height of the space race, NASA's budget was above 4%. Now, we have to have a petition to keep it above 1% of budget total. In 2013, the percentage drops to a half a percent. Meanwhile, we have to hitchhike into space with the Russians.

Via The White House:

In 1961, at the height of the space race, the NASA budget was 4.41% of federal outlays (Guardian: In 2005, despite the federal government spending only ~$15 billion on NASA, $180 billion of economic activity was created by this outlay (Space Foundation report:

The 2013 budget expects ~$19 billion of funding for NASA (Guardian link above), or half of a percent of spending; truly this is a pittance, but one that yields vast economic and scientific rewards.
NASA advances our nation when well-funded; by guaranteeing that no less than 1% of federal spending will be on NASA, we promote job creation, encourage creativity in the economy, and gain insight on our universe.

1% is a small financial guarantee of progress in the final frontier!

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