Thursday, March 14, 2013

Now that Obamacare won't be repealed or overturned, Democrats are suddenly critical of parts of the sweeping law...

Are democrats just lame or did they funally get around to reading the bill a few years late?

Via Politico
Democrats aren’t walking away from the overall law and its sweeping goals; they still see it as a historic achievement they had sought for generations.

But now that they feel its future is protected and it’s safe from repeal, Democrats are slowly becoming more vocal about small parts of the law that they want changed or eliminated — device taxes, a Medicare board, even kids’ dental coverage, to name a few.

And with important 2014 deadlines closing in, they’re more willing to point out where they think the Obama administration isn’t implementing the law correctly.

For instance, four Senate Democrats and two dozen House Democrats have signed on to Republican bills to repeal the law’s tax on medical-device manufacturers. Another 10 House Democrats want to repeal one of the law’s boards charged with containing Medicare spending.

During one recent Senate hearing, more fire came from the left than the right as several Democrats grilled a top administration health care official on how he’s getting the law up and running.

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