Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Come To This: Maryland Bill Would Ban Schools From Punishing Kids For Forming Guns With Fingers, Food...

After a 7-year-old boy was suspended for chewing a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, one Maryland State senator is fighting back. 
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Zero tolerance for zero tolerance. That’s how one lawmaker feels about young children being suspended from school for forming their finger or food in the shape of a gun.
State Senator J.B. Jennings says he does not intend for this bill to be a part of the growing gun debate in Maryland, but he does say he wants it to bring some common sense discipline to state schools.[...]

State Senator J.B. Jennings says zero tolerance rules on school campuses are going too far, so he wrote a bill. It bans school leaders from suspending students who make the shape of a gun with their fingers or food, or students who draw a gun on a piece of paper.

“If it’s done in a violent manner, then yes, we can take it to the next level. We can look at suspension,” said Jennings.[...]

If the bill passes and a student is caught forming their food or fingers in the shape of a gun, they would be sent to a counselor’s office first–not suspension.

Jennings says the  bill is heading to the Education Committee. If it passes, it goes to the full Senate for a vote. Keep on reading...

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