Saturday, February 23, 2013

Religion of Peace Alert: Virginia Imam urges armed jihad...

Armed jihad is coming to a neighborhood near you someday. Our spineless leaders won't do anything to stop it. It is only a matter of time. 

Via IPT:
Sheik Shaker Elsayed, the imam of the Dar al-Hijrah Mosque in Falls Church, Va., advocated armed jihad before an Ethiopian Muslim group gathered at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va. last week.
“Muslim men when it is a price to pay, they are first in line,” Elsayed said in comments seen on a YouTube video found by the Creeping Sharia blog. “They are the first in the prayer line. They are the first in the zakat (charity) line. They are the first in the hajj line. They are the first in the clean-up line. They are the first in the community-service line. They are the first in jihad line. They are the first in the da’wa line.”
“But they are last if anything is being distributed, unless it is arms for jihad,” Elsayed said. “We are the first to rush and run to defend our community and defend ourselves. The enemies of Allah are lining up; the question for us is, ‘Are we lining, or are we afraid because, because they may call us terrorists.’”
Being called “terrorists” should not matter to Muslims because Muslims are being called terrorists anyway, Elsayed said.
“You are a terrorist because you are a Muslim,” Elsayed said. “Well give them a run for their money. Make it worth it. Make this title worth it, and be good a Muslim.”
Keep on reading…


  1. he told the people that they only way they will be heard is with their resources and their numbers, ie sacrifice wich included armed struggle no beating around the bush here
    ethiopian govt has arrested , beaten and killed thousands, women with hijab throuwn out from universtities, new govt approved imams imposed in mosques, crrupt military police robbing civilians as they arrrest whoever appears religious,
    the imam is saying this will not stop unless you pay with your wealth, your voice and life if needbe, he is a courageous man to speak truth to power remember malcom x JEsus che were all unpopular terrorist of their day

  2. if you are thinking civilized human go to to read background about what is going on in ethiopia


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