Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Liberal Factcheck busts Harry Reid for lying about alleged $2.6 trillion spending cut...

This was too much BS for even Factcheck to swallow... called out Senator Harry Reid for being doubly wrong in his claim that Congress has already cut $2.6 trillion from projected future deficits by reducing non-defense programs alone.
The site explained that not only did the legislation he referred to applied to both security and non-security spending, but that a considerable part of the deficit reduction came from tax increases and not spending cuts.

The worst part? The senator made the same erroneous statement twice. Reid made the affirmations on ABC's "This Week" on Feb. 3rd, were he also added that further deficit reduction should include more tax increases and cuts in military spending.

"The American people need to understand that it's not as if we've done nothing for the debt. $2.6 trillion, $2.6 trillion already we've made in cuts. And all those cuts have come from non-defense programs.

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