Via HuffPo:
“Barack Obama is a socialist,” former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), claimed on Fox News Monday night, speaking about her concerns regarding the a fiscal cliff deal, growing American debt and a president who, she said, could even be leading the nation on a slow march toward communism.
Talking with Sean Hannity, Palin said that the opening offer Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner presented to Republicans last week to avert the fiscal cliff was a dangerous proposition.
“A very scary proposal was recently revealed by Geithner essentially saying, ‘Let the president have free rein on raising the debt ceiling to whatever level he wants it.’ That’s a very scary thought,” she said, pointing to Obama’s supposedly “socialist” views.
“He believes in socialism, in redistributing, in confiscating hard-earned dollars of our small businessmen and women so that they cannot re-invest their dollars and hire more people and grow and expand,” Palin continued. “Instead he believes in these failed socialist policies. And I say that not to personally condemn our president, but I say it because I face reality, and I see what’s going on, and I see the path that we are on and the fact that Barack Obama has not had a budget in the four years that he’s been in office and not been worried about it and continues to spend recklessly other people’s money. And that is a sign of that idea of loving socialism.”
1 comment:
Hey All,
BGP, do you ever listen to Andrew Wilkow?
I get to listen on my way home, and yesterdays drive was one that really shows just how ignorant the masses are.
The caller asked Wilkow if he knew how we got to the debt we have now and went on to explain how the deficits were Bush's fault with his tax cuts and two UNNECESSARY wars.
In other words, this idiot has been indoctrinated in to believeing that Bush is STILL responsible for our problems, even after 4 years of Obama and HIS policies.
The ignoramous doesn't even realize that the national debt when Bush took office was about 5 trillion and when he left office it was about 10 trillion and NOW it is 16 trillion.
The way my math works, this means Bush was responsible for 5 trillion in debt in 8 years, while Obama is responsible for 6 trillion in only 4 years.
But it's Bush's fault.
With people this ignorant running around, we deserve what we get.
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