Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Unlikely: Harry Reid calls Mitt Romney the most secretive candidate in modern presidential history..

You got to give it to Harry Reid. If you are going to lie, lie big.
CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lambasted Mitt Romney for refusing to release several years of tax returns, suggesting that no other presidential candidate in modern history has been as secretive.

"Never in modern American history has a presidential candidate tried so hard to hide himself," Reid said in his speech at the Democratic National Convention.

The Nevada senator said Romney has asked the country to "take his word" that there are no damaging revelations in his tax returns.

"Take his word? His word?" Reid said sarcastically. "Trust comes from transparency and Mitt Romney comes up short on both."
Here is a list of the top 10 things Obama is still hiding.
10. State senate papers. In the 2008 primary, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for not releasing papers from her eight years time as First Lady--but failed to produce any papers from his eight years in Springfield. “They could have been thrown out,” he said.
9. Academic transcripts. His supposed academic brilliance was a major selling point, but Obama (by his own admission) was a mediocre student. His GPA at Occidental was a B-plus at best, and his entering class at Columbia wasweak. Can he prove his merit?
8. Book proposal. Obama’s literary agent claimed he was “born in Kenya”--forsixteen years. His original book proposal exists--biographer David Maraniss refers to it--and seems to have embellished other key details of his life. Yet it has never been released.
7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctor’s note.
6. Small-dollar donors. In 2008, the McCain campaign released the names of donors who had contributed less than $200, though it was not required to do so. But the Obama campaign refused, amidst accusations it had accepted illegal foreign contributions.
5. The Khalidi tape. In 2003, Obama attended a party for his good friend, the radical Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi. The event featured incendiary anti-Israel rhetoric. The LA Times broke the story, but has refused to release the tape--and so has Obama.
4. The real White House guest list. Touting its transparency, the Obama White House released its guest logs--but kept many visits secret, and moved meetings with lobbyists off-site. It also refused to confirm the identities of visitors like Bertha Lewis of ACORN.
3. Countless FOIA requests. The Obama administration has been described as “the worst” ever in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests for documents. It has also punished whistleblowers like David Walpin, who exposedcronyism in Americorps.
2. Health reform negotiations. Candidate Obama promised that health care reform negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN. Instead, there were back-room deals woth millions with lobbyists and legislators--the details of which areonly beginning to emerge.
1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal--and Obama did just that.

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