Saturday, September 8, 2012

Polling Shenanigans...

In the days before and during the RNC convention, major news media sources conducted eight polls. Since the close of the RNC over a week ago, only one poll by CNN/Opinion Research has been taken and released. It showed a Romney-Obama tie and a plus two bounce for Romney from a poll taken ten days earlier. Of course Rasmussen and Gallop are updating their daily tracking polls and both showed a small post convention bounce for Romney. Rasmussen found a 4 point improvement in likely voters. Gallop only found a 1 point improvement among registered voters. None of the other news outlets and polling organizations even checked to see if there was a Romney post convention bounce. It almost like they don't want to report anything positive for Romney. I call Shenanigans on this journalistic failure. Here is a bold prediction, Every major news organization in the country will be polling like crazy this weekend, when they typically find less republicans, hoping to be able to tout an Obama post convention bounce. Stay tuned.

Via RCP:

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