Monday, September 10, 2012

Planned Parenthood is running $3.2 million in television ads against Mitt Romney in battleground states...

Our tax dollars are going to an organization running political ads against Mitt Romney? It's time to completely de-fund Planned Parenthood. 

Via LifeNews:
The Planned Parenthood abortion business is making its single largest television advertising purchase in its history and the ads will run in key battleground states attacking Mitt Romney over his opposition to abortion.
Planned Parenthood Votes, the political advocacy arm of the abortion giant, today launched a $3.2 million television ad campaign in Ohio and Virginia — two states critical to the pro-life effort to defeat pro-abortion President Barack Obama.
The television ad, “Turn Back the Clock,” will run on cable television in Northern Virginia for the next five weeks, according to information Planned Parenthood released.

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