Saturday, September 1, 2012

Payback: Republicans to hold counter-convention outside Democrats Charlotte party

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz actually crashed the RNC convention in Tampa. VP Joe Biden was planning on going to Tampa during the convention. He was scared off by Isaac and this Hooters sign. In recent history, political parties have ceased fire during the opposing parties convention. President Obama broke that tradition and now it's payback time.

Via ABC's The Note:
As many as 50 “communicators” will travel straight from the Republican convention, which wrapped up Tuesday in Tampa, up to Charlotte, where Democrats kick off their convention in earnest on Tuesday, according to a plan provided to ABC News.

Primetime speakers from the Republican event who will travel up to Charlotte include RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and Govs. Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Mary Fallin of Oklahoma. They’ll hone in on a theme – “Obama Isn’t Working” – and offer rapid response, daily videos to counter the Democrats’ message.

It will be an effort full of gimmicks, including a Romney-Ryan NASCAR race car – number 12 for 2012, of course.

And while Democrats have happily made light of Mitt Romney’s “Etch A Sketch” foible, Republicans will bring their own toys, including “You Build It” Legos and “You Build It” Monopoly.

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