Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flashback: San Antonio Citizen accuses Julian Castro of covering up criminal fraud

I have no idea of the validity of these allegations, but the citizens involved are relentless. Here are the basics of the allegations.

Via YouTube:

Councilman Carlton Soules was AGAIN contacted and provided with proof of massive public/police corruption including the long-term theft/misuse of HUD funds that was kept hidden when City officials submitted false statements to federal investigators in HUD-OIG case # HL-10-0465. He was presented with proof that "Obama for America" campaign co-chairman/Mayor Julian Castro and City Attorney Michael Bernard (brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard) are willing participants in the ongoing cover-up of the criminal activity. 
Internal City documents show that the theft/fraud was characterized as "a bottomless pit of money" citing the fact that "The largely unsupervised and unregulated billing of departments across the City under the guise of the telephone "variable" for the last 25 years has resulted in departments having been billed for an untold amount of goods and services from which their department received no benefit". The impact is listed as "millions of dollars". City officials AGAIN violated the law when they submitted false statements to federal investigators admitting that they only misspent $648 of HUD funds for years 2004-8 via "radio accounts" and fail to even mention the "variable", telecom accounts, the "BOTTOMLESS PIT OF MONEY", up to $200,000 of fraudulent Avaya invoices (IG Communications) , secret no-bid contracts , Municipal Integrity intake statements , etc. HUD-OIG agent Victoria Marquez stated "I don't care" when alerted to the "fraud upon the court" orchestrated by City Attorney Klein, Attorney Kosanovich, Attorney Gaul, IT Director Miller, CIO Varn and others in an effort to hide three decades of fraud/theft.
The primary citizen making the allegations has been banned from City Hall.  He has been forced to send a friend to to City Hall to plead before the Mayor and Council and ask why he had been banned and for how long. The Police Chief allegedly denied the citizen was banned, but you can see a copy of the letter here.

Via YouTube:
A citizen of San Antonio, TX and his family recieved numerous terroristic threats but SAPD Chief McManus ignores the police reports and refuses to provide protection for the citizen and his family including small children. The citizen can't speak to the City Council because Chief McManus and City Attorney Bernard issued a criminal trespass warning banning entry into public meetings in an effort to hide three decaes of public/police corruption. A close friend and concerned citizen speaks for him. 
On July 1, 2009 immediately after proof of long-term criminal activity, theft/misuse of millions of dollars and an ONGOING criminal conspiracy to hide the crimes was presented to City officials a criminal trespass warning was issued barring entry into City Hall and public Council meetings. San Antonio TX Police Chief William McManus and City Attorney Michael Bernard (brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard) refuse to provide a reason, time limit, public hearing, etc. for the unconstitutional/illegal ban violating the Texas Open Meetings Act. The illegal/unconstitutional ban remains in effect over three years later. 
The citizen was warned against investigating and reporting public/police corruption, the massive theft of public/grant funds and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to hide the illegal activity inside our local government and law enforcement agencies especially the involvement of City Councilman Diego M Bernal. [...]
A developing HUD scandal concerning the fact that federal agents/ Administration officials AGAIN lied to Congressmen in an effort to hide massive criminal activity will rival the "fast and furious" fiasco when it exposes Obama's ties to "Obama For America" campaign co-chairman /Mayor Castro and City attorney Michael Bernard (brother of White House social secretary Jeremy Bernard) who have been reported to the FBI, HUD, the DOJ, etc. concerning the criminal conspiracy to cover-up the long term theft/misuse of HUD and other funds by the City of San Antonio TX.( including the submission of false statements/audits to federal investigators in HUD-OIG case # hl-10-0465) ...
The whistle-blower is now reportedly getting threatening phone calls and the police are allegedly ignoring the threats.

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