Friday, September 7, 2012

Fail: Obama does not address problem of over 8% unemployment in DNC speech

What's Obama's jobs plan?

Via BuzzFeed:
President Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night didn’t include language targeted at the nation’s unemployed.
Despite boilerplate language about the job losses four years ago and his plans to create jobs, Obama did not specifically address the millions of Americans still struggling to find a job or a job that meets their needs.
Obama’s speech also avoided any mention of the unemployment rate, which is still above 8 percent and fell in August because 368,000 Americans left the workforce. Obama was briefed on the August jobs report yesterday afternoon, hours before he took the stage in Charlotte.
 Barack Obama's speech got low marks.


Kathleen Blake said...

Obama doesn't have any plans to create jobs. He just an empty chair, lol.

Interested Bystander said...

Hey All,

There's 8% unemployment?

But I thought everything was getting better?

I thought the planet started healing itself after Obama was elected 4 years ago?

I thought the seas stopped rising?

I though that everything was fixed when ObamaTAX was passed?


You mean it wasn't?

Can we have a do-over?
