Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DNC 2012 Platform doesn't mention raising taxes on those making over $250,000

Democrats promise to not raise taxes on families making under $250,000, but there is no pledge to raise taxes on anyone.  Here are the results of a query for the word "raise" in the DNC Platform.

We've already made historic progress. States have more flexibility to raise standards...
they'll raise taxes on the middle class and gut our investments in education
we have helped states and territories develop comprehensive plans to raise standards
To that end, the President challenged and encouraged states to raise their standards 
we are committed to extending the middle class tax cuts for the 98 percent of American families who make less than $250,000 a year, and we will not raise taxes on them.
President Obama signed into law changes to help entrepreneurs raise capital
We will raise the minimum wage
The President signed into law changes to help President looked out for small businesses entrepreneurs raise capital
grants to states to raise standards
we must raise the minimum wage 
Mitt Romney would raise taxes on low- and middle-income Americans
The administration will not put aside our differences but will raise them directly with the Russian government.
American diplomats must raise the issue wherever harassment or abuse arises
A query for the word "increase' also fails to yield a pledge to raise any taxes. Of course Obamacare contains many taxes which have not all taken effect yet. The promise to not raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 has already been broken by Democrats. The only mention of raising taxes in the DNC Platform is the false claim Mitt Romney will raise taxes on the middle class to fund tax cuts for the rich. President Obama must be heartbroken at the DNC Platform not mentioning his signature tax plan of sticking it to small business owners who make $250,000 or more. Of course, Obama couldn't get that tax plan through Congress when Democrats held an overwhelming majority in the House and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. We all know Democrats want to raise taxes. They are just to chicken to put it in the Platform.

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