Friday, September 7, 2012

Dingy Harry Reid: Those Republicans are responsible for the disappointing August jobs report

Hey, at least he didn't blame Bush...

Via The Hill:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said it was Republicans’ fault the August jobs report wasn’t better.
“While our recovery is still moving too slowly for many Americans, job growth would likely have been even stronger if Republicans had not blocked Democratic efforts to hire more teachers, firefighters and police officers,” Reid said in a statement Friday.
The Bureau for Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 96,000 jobs in August and unemployment fell to 8.1 percent, but Reid said quicker economic recovery is needed.
“The best way to speed up our recovery is for Republicans to stop their knee-jerk obstruction of every effort Democrats put forward and start working across the aisle to find common ground,” Reid said. “Next week, the Senate will vote to give employers incentives to hire veterans, so our heroes are not left out in the cold when they return home.”
Keep reading…

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