Monday, September 10, 2012

Clueless: Obama called Paul Ryan "Jack Ryan" in Woodward interview

It's time to give Obama a drug test...

Via ABC News:
President Obama told author Bob Woodward that he didn't know Rep. Paul Ryan was going to attend at a major speech he delivered last year on spending and debt, and says in retrospect that it was "a mistake" to dress down Ryan and his budget plans to his face in that setting.

In the interview conducted July 11 -- about a month before Ryan was tapped as Mitt Romney's running mate – the president also misstated the first name of the man who is now on the opposing presidential ticket.

"I'll go ahead and say it – I think that I was not aware when I gave that speech that Jack Ryan was going to be sitting right there," the president told Woodward according to audio transcripts of their conversations, provided to ABC News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No. It's obvious you need help!

He may have recently apologized for it, but the gaffe was about a year and a half ago. He wasn't insultingly "forgetting" the Republican VP candidate's name. He was confusing the name of one of the 441 members of the U.S. House of Representatives with the name of the guy he ran against 7 years previously.