Tuesday, July 3, 2012

WaPo blames recent Washington storm, current heat wave and the severe 2009-2010 winter on global warming

Soon, The Washington Post will blame the deaths of unicorns worldwide on climate change.

WaPo blames heat wave and derecho on global warming. 
As the intensity of the heat wave, without reservation, was a key factor in the destructiveness of this derecho event - it raises the question about the possible role of manmade climate warming (from elevated greenhouse concentrations). It’s a complicated, controversial question, but one that scientists will surely grapple with in case studies of this rare, extraordinary event.
WaPo blames severe winters on global warming.
Some weather scientists suspect that climate change - the menace often called global warming - is partly to blame. Although the link is far from definitive - two years of lousy weather, after all, doesn't make much of a trend - the meteorological dots are beginning to line up.

But wait a second: global warming is about the world getting warmer, right? All those greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels trap solar radiation in the atmosphere, et cetera. If anything, winter weather seems like it should be on its way to extinction.

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