Sunday, July 1, 2012

Video: Asked Why Executive Privilege Invoked, WH Chief of Staff Says Obama Admin "Most Transparent Ever "

The most corrupt ever would be closer to the truth...


Interested Bystander said...

Hey All,

Lew was on Fox News Sunday and wouldn't call the ACA TAX a tax, and kept calling it a "penalty".

I guess if you tell the LIE enough, the people will believe it.


I believe this Fast and Furious "issue" is 10 times worse than Watergate, except the media won't report on it FACTUALLY. They continue to "report" this as a "political witch hunt", when the TRUTH is that the Democrats walking out of the contempt vote was the "political" move in this story. It was "reported" as the Democrats "taking a stand".

You DON'T hear reported that the DoJ sent a letter to Sen Grassley in Feb of 2011 stating that Holder knew nothing of Fast and Furious, and then Holder in March of 2011 going in front of Issa's Committee and saying that he had learned of Fast and Furious "a few WEEKS ago", and then in November of 2011 another letter was sent stating that the Feb 2011 letter was a LIE, and Holder getting in front of a Senate Committee saying that "Well maybe me saying I had known about Fast and Furious a few weeks ago was a "little" lie, maybe I should have said a few months ago".

NOW it seems obvious that Holder knew about Fast and Furious in the Summer of 2010, MONTHS before Brian Terry was killed with guns that the DoJ and ATF allowed to walk in to Mexico without tracking them.

How do we know this? Wire tap applications, that's how.

And you DON'T hear reported that this thing that Lew stated in the video on this thread about "this started under the Bush Administration", is also a LIE that this Administration keeps repeating. Holder ADMITTED (I believe when he appeared before the same Committee when he admitted that he had LIED about when he knew about this "operation") that Wide Reciever was STOPPED in 2007, and F&F wasn't started until 2009, some 2 years later, and that the two were SEPERATE operations.

And you DON'T hear reproted that Wide Reciever was conducted with the Mexican Government's knowledge, and that it was a program that TRACKED guns that were equipped with GPS tracking devices. Fast and Furious was conducted WITHOUT informing the Mexican Government and WITHOUT the tracking devices and was ACTUALLY our own Government's attempt to bring back the assualt weapons ban and to regulate weapons and further degrade the 2nd Amendment. And how do we know THIS? Emails obtained by Issa's Committee that ADMIT as much.

But why let the FACTS get in the way when this Administration has the media in thier back pocket.

What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Very will stated....thank you.