Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Three more Dems Run Away From Obama And DNC Convention

You would think Obama is radioactive and flesh-eating zombies will be in attendance at the DNC Convention.

Via Politico:
Add Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar to the growing list of Democrats who are skipping the Democratic National Convention this summer.

The moderate Democrat backs President Barack Obama’s reelection but told POLITICO on Tuesday he won’t be attending the convention in Charlotte, N.C., in September.

“I went to the Texas state Democratic convention [in June],” Cuellar, a four-term congressman, said by phone from Laredo, Texas.  “As I get close to my election, I want to spend more time in my district and focus on my reelection. Right now, I have no plans to attend.”
 Via The Weekly Standard:
Another North Carolina Democrat is refusing to support President Obama's reelection effort. This time it's Rep. Larry Kissell.

"[H]e doesn’t plan to endorse Obama for re-election and isn’t sure he’ll attend his party’s national convention in Charlotte," McClatchy reports. "Kissell represents the 8th District, which runs from Mecklenburg County to Robeson County. Last year’s redistricting added heavily Republican areas of Rowan, Davidson and Randolph counties while removing thousands of Democratic voters in Charlotte and Fayetteville."

Matt Connelly, a regional spokesman for the Republican National Committee, remarks on Twitter: "Rep. Kissell's (D-NC) district ends 9 blocks away from Bank of America Stadium, but he isn't sure if he'll attend the DNC."
Via The Weekly Standard:
Earlier today, news broke that North Carolina congressman Larry Kissell is refusing to endorse President Obama and might not attend the Democratic convention later this year in Charlotte, N.C. And now, there's word that Rep. Hayden Rogers won't be endorsing Obama or even attending the convention.
The Asheville Citizen-Times reports:
Hayden Rogers will join two other North Carolina congressional candidates in skipping the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte and not endorsing President Obama.
“My sole focus is on running for Congress in the 11th District,” Rogers said. “I will be concentrating my time and energy on reaching out to as many voters as possible to discuss the issues facing Western North Carolina and America. I have no plans to attend the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte and will not be endorsing in the 2012 presidential race.” ...

1 comment:

Vaughn Banks said...

Those Dems are smart enough to know to abandon a sinking ship.