Wednesday, July 4, 2012

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: Complete Freedom is a Really Bad Idea...

To AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, “freedom” is a right-wing catch phrase. He is afraid freedom means people can choose to not join his union.

Via Beltway Confidential:
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has a 4th of July-themed column in the Huffington Post musing on the word freedom and how it is interpreted by the Republican Party. His conclusion is that they use the word to con people.
Let’s call this right-wing “freedom” catch phrase what it really is: a grossly political strategy to dupe the public, which holds the word “freedom” as something sacred.
According to Trumka, giving people or groups complete discretion in how they conduct their affairs is a bad idea because they might make the wrong decision. That is, they might decide to do something that Trumka thinks is a bad idea, such as opting out of Social Security.
Keep on reading…

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