Friday, December 2, 2011

Initial report from the Office of Congressional Ethics: There was “probable cause” to believe that Jesse Jackson Jr. involved in Blagojevich Senate seat pay-for-play

A Jackson engaged in corruption? Who would have thought this possible?
WASHINGTON — The House Ethics Committee announced Friday it will continue its investigation into allegations Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. or someone acting on his behalf offered to raise campaign cash for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in exchange for a Senate appointment in 2008.

The committee also released an initial report from the Office of Congressional Ethics that said there was “probable cause” to believe that Jackson either directed a third party or had knowledge of a third party’s effort to convince the since-convicted Blagojevich to appoint Jackson Jr. in exchange for campaign cash.

1 comment:

  1. BFD. He gets censured, then gets a committee assignment.


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