Friday, December 16, 2011

DNC sends out race-baiting fundraising letter


You can't buy a pack of smokes without a picture id, but somehow it is racist to ask for id before voting. 

Via Weekly Standard:
In a fundraising letter sent out this afternoon by the Democratic National Committee, Will Crossley, counsel and voter protection director, asks folks to support his party because, he implies, Republican efforts to suppress voters are worse than Jim Crow-era laws.
“Dorothy Cooper was born before women or African Americans in our country could exercise the right to vote. She grew up in a Jim Crow-divided South, and saw the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965,” Crossley writes. “Dorothy is 96 years old. In 70 years, she’s missed just one election. And she’s never had a problem voting — until this year.”
Cooper is having problems voting this year because, Crossley writes, the Republicans are working against her — and “everyone — especially for minorities young voters, and seniors.”
Keep reading…

1 comment:

  1. The doctor needs to change this woman's meds. She is imaging things. The Dems need to get off that strange, smelling Kool-aid they are on.


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