Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nancy Pelosi Accuses Republicans if Being Disrespectful to Obama By Not Rebutting His Speech

Nancy Pelosi "We Have to Pass the Can Find Out What Is in It ." Quote 8 1/2 X 11 Novelty Color Photograph

It is time for Nancy Pelosi to come to grips with reality. Few people, much less Republicans, have any respect left for President Obama or the Democratic leadership in Washington. Obamacare ended that. You can't pass bills realigning one-sixth of the U.S. economy on a purely partisan basis, in the middle of the night, by changing the rules and expect anyone to have any respect for you. I wouldn't blame Republicans if they failed to show up for President Obama's address to Congress.
(Politico) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says that the Republican leadership’s decision to forgo a direct response to President Barack Obama’s jobs speech Thursday is “not only disrespectful to him, but to the American people.”
The California Democrat, in a Tuesday night statement, blasted the tactical decision of House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) not to take to the airwaves to state what’s otherwise clear: He doesn’t agree with the bulk of Obama’s proposals.
“In nearly 250 days of being in the Majority, House Republicans have not passed a single piece of legislation to create jobs,” Pelosi said in the statement. “The Republican silence on Thursday evening will speak volumes about their lack of commitment to creating jobs.”
A GOP aide quipped: “This is just dumb. The former speaker is criticizing us for passing up an opportunity to criticize the president.

1 comment:

  1. OK. I'll rebutt his speech right now. It was more of the same, lame and full of socialist tripe.



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