Thursday, March 3, 2011

SEIU and Wisconsin Democrats Trying To Recall GOP State Senators

The SEIU is trying to get voters to sign a petition to force recall elections for GOP State Senators. Can't they just leave the dead alone?
(The Hill) — In the latest salvo surrounding Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) controversial budget plan, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin on Wednesday endorsed recall efforts against several GOP state senators....

The AFL-CIO circulated the announcement to Washington reporters. The SEIU is also helping gather signatures; their appeal says that 15,000 are needed in each district to force a recall.

1 comment:

  1. The Democrats' actions have most DEFINITELY resulted in a breach of the peace as evidenced by the last two weeks of nonstop union protests, the creation of fraudulent doctor's notes, the vandalism and general mayhem taking place in the People's Capitol building, the assaults on citizens by union members, and so forth and so on.


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