Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DNCC Fundraiser: "Now the Republicans want to control the news."

NPR headquarters

How is cutting funding for NPR controlling the news? NPR has long been a free propaganda arm for the left in this country. They will still have the New York Times and MSNBC.
(The Hill)- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) circulated a fundraising e-mail to supporters Wednesday in response to the House GOP's decision to hold a vote Thursday to derive public radio of taxpayer funds.

"First, they tried to restrict access to reproductive health care. Then, they proposed catastrophic cuts to teachers, nurses, and researchers," reads the appeal from DCCC Chairman Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.). "Now the Republicans want to control the news."

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy! These people think that paying for their own news or finding supporters to fund their propaganda is controlling the news? What?? They gotta be playing dumb. Well, maybe they're just being themselves.


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