Sunday, February 20, 2011

Angry Union Thug Arrested For Trying To Disable Tea Party Sound System In Wisconsin

There are lots of good people who are union members. I am married to one. The union members in the streets of Madison don't appear to be in that number. 


  1. It is ironic that liberals,"the champions of free speech." Try to shutdown Conservative point's of view at every turn.

  2. To eletists liberals who must think were living in a monarcy FREE SPEECH only belongs to the privlaged few like themselves. And im glad they cuaght to union brownshirt i hope the judge put into reading the FREE SPEECH in the CONSTITUTION

  3. To eletists liberals who must think were living in a monarcy FREE SPEECH only belongs to the privlaged few like themselves. And im glad they cuaght to union brownshirt i hope the judge put into reading the FREE SPEECH in the CONSTITUTION


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