Monday, November 1, 2010

Daily Kos: Angle victory means Nevada will be turned into a nuclear waste dump or something.

In a last ditch attempt to save Harry Reid, liberals are claiming a Sharron Angle victory will mean Nevada will be turned into a nuclear waste dump.

From Daily Kos:
If Nevadans elect Sharron Angle tomorrow, they shouldn't be surprised to wake up to a nuclear waste dump in the back yard, because without Harry Reid fighting for them in the Senate, that's exactly what they are going to get.

If it means getting rid of Harry Reid, Nevadans are getting the best of the deal.


  1. It's only a waste dump while Harry's in office. So, I hope they dump Harry.

  2. said...

    It's only a waste dump while Harry's in office. So, I hope they dump Harry.


    If Nevada re-elects Harry Reid, they must be insane.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.