Monday, October 18, 2010

Where did Obama get the "sippin on a slurpee" comment from"?

President Obama has now accused Republicans of "sippin on a slurpee" 25 times.

Where did President Obama get that phrase? He must be a fan of the band Varsity. Here is verse 1 of the the lyrics of the "Boy Meets Girl" by Drew Ryan Scott of the boy band Varsity Fanclub.

Verse 1:
When I Saw This Pretty Young Thing

She Was Hanging With The Girls She Was Sippin A Slurpee

Brown Eyes That Caught Me Off Guard

So I Walked Up To Her Friend

Said "i Would Like To Meet,

Take Her Out To Eat, And Sweep Her Off Her Feet

Can You Arrange It Please? "

She Said, "when You Wanna Meet Her Meet Her? "

Here is Drew Ryan Scott singing "Boy Meets Girl."

Now you know what is on Obama's iPod.


  1. Is that what Reggie Love downloads also? Just sayin'......

  2. I thought Obama liked Gangsta rap.


Please don't use offense or vulgar language.