Wednesday, October 13, 2010

VFW Tells VFW PAC to Stand Down

Many Americans and VFW members have been appalled to learn the VFW PAC has endorsed anti-military candidates like Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Lee, Steny Hoyer, John Dingell, Chuckie Schumer and Alan Grayson. They failed to endorse actual Veterans of Foreign Wars like patriot former Lieutenant Colonel Allen West. After getting heat from their membership, the VFW has asked the PAC to rescind their endorsement actions.
As determined in the VFW By-Laws, as the national officers, we have specific responsibilities to take definitive action when events can have a detrimental impact on the organization. It is clear to us that the current situation now demands direct action; therefore, we are requesting the chairman and the directors of the Political Action Committee immediately rescind their endorsement actions.

The PAC is independent of the VFW leadership and does not have to comply. Of course, the VFW can disband the PAC if they choose.


  1. A group of Republican VFW members is angry because Republicans weren't endorsed.

    Actual record on Veterans issues doesn't matter to them. Only the letter beside the candidates name.

  2. AYATOLLAH TRUTHMENI 101 said...

    "A group of Republican VFW members is angry because Republicans weren't endorsed.

    Actual record on Veterans issues doesn't matter to them. Only the letter beside the candidates name."

    Are you insane? Nancy Palosi, Barabara Boxer(don't call me ma'am) and Alan Grayson were endorsed. They are not only anti-military, they are anti-American. The VFW PAC actually did endorse a lot of Republicans. What they actuality seemed to be endorsing was incumbents of both parties irregardless of their positions on on issues important to VFW members


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