Friday, October 15, 2010

Priceless: Disenchanted Obama Supporter Wants to Know How to Have Obama Tattoo Removed

Many people got carried away by the 'Hope and Change' hyperbola propagated by the mainstream media. This lady went as far as to have Obama's face tattooed on her abdomen. She has now lost that 'Hope and Change' feeling and wants to lose the tattoo too.


  1. I hope it costs her a small fortune. Is that Mean?

  2. Hey now, let's all be supportive....when a former "Obamabot" opens his/her eyes, we should offer helpful advice-- maybe start a non-profit fund for those needing corrective medical work done, to remove "permanant" shrines to "false idols"-- or, she could just get an extra tatoo that puts a rasta-do on his head, and label it "Bob Marley" underneath......

  3. Maybe Obamacare will pay for the removal. Otherwise, keep it covered and HOPE it goes away.

  4. I just spit my Saturday mornig coffee out laughing.


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