Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Disgusting: Demo Rep. Leaves Lobbyist Voicemail Asking for Money

This is the swamp Nancy Pelosi promised to drain...

Shock Audio: DC Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail Asking For Lobbyist Cash (video)

Via Breitbart
"I was, frankly, uh, uh, surprised to see that we don’t have a record, so far as I can tell, of your having given to me despite my uh, long and deep uh, work. In fact, it’s been my major work, uh, on the committee and sub-committee it’s been essentially in your sector.

I am, I’m simply candidly calling to ask for a contribution. As the senior member of the um, committee and a sub-committee chair, we have (chuckles) obligations to raise, uh funds. "

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