Friday, September 3, 2010

Demo Sen. Russ Feingold Blames Bush for His Poor Polling Numbers... (video)

I know the Democrats strategy this year is to blame Bush as much as possible, but the logic of Feingold's attempt to blame his personal unpopularity on former President Bush escapes me. On the other hand, if he were to blame President Obama...

From the video:
ED SCHULTZ: Senator Russ Feingold joins us tonight, here on the Ed Show. Senator, good to have you with us tonight. You know, you have been one of the most hard-working guys out there. You do over 70 town hall meetings a year. What are you hearing in Wisconsin? And why are you polling below 50%?

RUSS FEINGOLD: Well, this is a year of challenges because of the mess that was left us from the Bush years.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, and I thought it was because of all the commercials he was running where he is blatantly lying about his opponent's position on the issues.


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