Monday, September 6, 2010

CNN: GOP leads the Democrats by 7 points on the "generic ballot"

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Labor Day has found a 7% GOP lead on a 'Generic Ballot.' CNN polls are well known for their bias for Democrats. They usually poll all Americans. This gives a Democratic lean to their polls and poorly reflects what will actually happen in November. If CNN had polled registered voters or likely voters, they would have found a GOP lead similar to the 10% found by Gallop a few days ago. That poll panicked Democrats and they were hoping it was an outlier. That poll makes this result even more troubling for Democrats.

CNN reported:
According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday, the GOP leads the Democrats by 7 points on the "generic ballot" question, 52 percent to 45 percent. That 7-point advantage is up from a 3-point margin last month...

"The survey indicates that independents and voters who dislike both parties are starting to break toward the GOP," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "In a year when anger at incumbents is a dominant political force, the key to the election lies among those who aren't rooting for either side."

The largest move to the GOP is among the crucial Independent voter group.

1 comment:

  1. Socialism never works, but left-wingers keep trying.


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