There is a huge rally of
moonbats progressives planned in Washington DC on Oct 2, 2010. Barack Obama's
Organizing for America is endorsing and supporting this rally.
The Hill reported:
President Obama’s political organizing group is throwing its hat in the ring of increasingly popular marches in Washington D.C. as it pushed supporters on Saturday to attend next weekend’s rally on the National Mall.
Organizing for America, the Democratic National Committee’s group that lauds Obama’s legislative policies, sent out the e-mail blast advertising the Oct. 2 One Nation, Working Together rally as “the biggest progressive demonstration in decades.”
Who will OFA supporters be marching with next Saturday? Among the groups endorsing this rally are radical anti-war groups like
Code Pink and
War Resisters League, radical immigrant groups like
La Raza, socialist groups like
Solidarity and
CCDS and communist groups like
CPUSA. They will be joined by your normal left-wing crowd including the SEIU, NAACP, UAW, AFL-CIO, Rainbow Push Coalition, NEA and a host of anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-union, pro-gay, lesbian and trans-gender groups. You can find a complete list
here. How any mainstream American could march with these fringe groups is beyond comprehension. The
One Nation march will allow the moonbats to bring signs, so this could get amusing.