Thursday, August 5, 2010

After 18 months of Obama's recovery, food stamps hit record high

Over 40 million Americans are now receiving food assistance from taxpayers under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. This is the 18th straight record month for the program. Most Americans know the program under the name "food stamps," because people used to receive paper coupon booklets. The nanny state erased the stigma of having to use government coupons at the grocery. Now, they are issuing EBT cards with magnetic strips that resemble bank debit cards. It isn't obvious who is receiving food assistance from taxpayers anymore. Don't expect the number to go down any next month. Unemployment has taken an unexpected jump this week and is expected to stay in the 9.5% or higher range for the rest of this year.

1 comment:

  1. Obama must know by now the mesaures in place aren't working.


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