Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Oil Spill Concealment Has Begun

Oil is still gushing from the exploded Deep Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico. There is no foolproof plan to stop the leak until mid-August when the relief wells are complete. BP is capturing about half of the leaking oil. They are planning to connect new equipment this weekend which they claim will increase the capture rate. BP's past claims haven't always proven out. The Gulf oil spill has been a PR nightmare for President Obama. A majority of Americans rate Obama's handling of the disaster the same or worse than Bush's handling of hurricane Katrina. Some pundits are claiming it could be his "Waterloo." After first trying to use the oil spill disaster for political purposes to push Cap and Trade, President Obama has decided to keep the oil spill off the front page. One part of his plan is to give the media something else to focus on. Thursday, President Obama tried to change the topic by kicking off his controversial immigration reform plan in a speech. Next, he needs to restrict coverage of the disaster. Obama's democratic allies in the House blocked a trip by Republican lawmakers to see the damage caused by BP’s oil spill in person. Then, President Obama's point man for the disaster, U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, has restricted media access to view the oil spill clean-up and damage.

Anderson Cooper reports for CNN on the restrictive new Coast Guard rules.

Problem solved.


  1. Is it true that the cavern below the drill site is the size of Mt. Everest?

  2. I have read there is over 2 billion barrels(not gallons) of oil in it. I don't know how that compares to Mt. Everest.

  3. You wrote:
    There is no foolproof plan to stop the leak until mid-August when the relief wells are complete.

    If this were true, I'd breath easier. There are no guarantees that will work, either.


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