Saturday, May 29, 2010

64% of Americans Cut Back Vacation Plans Due to Economy. Obama is Taking His Second Vacation in a Month.

Only 35% of ordinary Americans are planning a summer vacation this year according to a Rasmussen survey. Harsh economic conditions have forced families to cut back.

Rasmussen reported:
Just 35% of Americans plan to take a summer vacation this year, and most of those vacationers don't plan to spend as much as they have in years past, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey..

In late May 2006, 55% of Americans planned to take a summer vacation....

President Obama isn't an ordinary American. He is on his second vacation in a month. It is good to be King President.

Liberal Whoppers reported:
The Obama family will take their second vacation this month since the Gulf oil rig exploded that started the non-stop gusher. The first family will return to Chicago this weekend for a little R-&-R. Chicago Breaking News reported: The news that President Barack Obama and his family will return to Chicago for the Memorial Day weekend has triggered a guessing game. Where will they dine? What will they do for fun?


  1. Obama will not honor the fallen unknown Soldier like an American President being in Chicago. Hope he feels safe in a gunless society.

  2. Hey All,

    Of course he's going on vacation.

    Arrogance has no borders.


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