Thursday, April 29, 2010

Obama goes off teleprompter and allows his socialist side to show

Barack Obama:
'I Do Think at Some Point You've Made Enough Money'

If we take President Obama at his word, there comes a point when companies and people have made enough money. Logically, it would then be moral in his eyes for the government to confiscate the rest of their earnings. President Obama went off teleprompter and allowed his socialist side to show.

Obama to Wall St.: 'I Do Think at Some Point You've Made Enough Money' (video)

1 comment:

  1. 1st he tell Joe the Plumber he wants to spread the wealth, now he says at some point you've made too much money. And what does MSM report? Sandra Bullock adopted a baby and is getting a divorce. Does anyone remember when the MSM did their job?


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