Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama Endorses Moron Democrat Who Thought Guam Would "Tip Over"

In order to get President Obama's endorsement, you don't have to be bright. You just need to be a Democrat. President Obama has endorsed Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia.) Johnson is the moron who asked Adm. Robert Willard at a House Armed Services Committee if the U.S. territory of Guam would "tip over" if the population increased. Amazingly, Adm. Willard kept a straight face.

If you need a good laugh, here is the video.


  1. Democrats say the strangest things.

  2. OK - I'll say it, because we're all thinking it........"In order to get President Obama's endorsement, you don't have to be bright. You just need to be a Democrat." Or Black.

  3. What a howler! There are times I'm acutely embarrassed by the idiots NYers routinely send to Congress, but this joker from Georgia has just lowered the bar for lowest common denominator.

  4. I like Congressman Hank Johnson. He is the only representative in the Congress who is thinking OUTSIDE the box. The Island of Guam is grounded by two pillars or volcano tops instead of the flat single bedrock MASS. This means the island CAN TIP OVER. The Science is there. Admiral Willard, himself, has no idea if the island can or will tip over. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. The island can TIP over. I wish the Navy and the WH will bring in some scientists to make this clear. Of course they won't and scare up the entire country. Then everybody will REJECT THE MILITARY BUILDUP. Thank You Congressman Johnson.

  5. Pamela said...

    "I like Congressman Hank Johnson. He is the only representative in the Congress who is thinking OUTSIDE the box. The Island of Guam is grounded by two pillars or volcano tops instead of the flat single bedrock MASS."

    I assume you are joking, but... Rep. Williams is now trying to claim he was.

  6. Okay, this is an old post, but are a truly stupid. I've lived on won't tip over. It won't capsize. As far as the global warming concern! I cannot speak to that, other than anecdotaly, but due to it's remote location, I doubt the "scientists" in England have had time to falsify any data about Guam. Maybe the Congressman is worried about losing constituents in one of the 57 states.


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