Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Anti-Obama Billboard In Texas: Embarrassed Yet?

If most people who voted for Obama aren't embarrassed, they must not be paying attention.


shomas said...

The BORG from Star Trek: Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. Obama, the queen Borg; The collective, a socialized government.

Anonymous said...

I don't want people to be embarres sed , i want them to feel quiet shame for how naive & gullible they were. People have a tendancy to try & hide thier embarrassment thereby not reflecting back on thier actions & not learning from thier mistakes. Most human beings don't like to feel shame which is why ( if not pressured ) they will make the effort to ascertain why they feel that shame !

.mkv said...


LibsAreCommies said...

Folks wanted change. Welcome to the new ghetto gangsta government...

Unknown said...

Thomas Jefferson went against the Federalist who wanted big government just as we are today.
It was the people that stood up against the Federalist and the People won in turning back to our Republic.
We see now that once again the tyrants of old have resurfaced. Once again the tyrants are putting us into bondage as their slaves and they our task masters.
Back then these tyrants were Parliament and King George, Rome with Cesar, farther back they were call Egypt and Pharaoh.
As Moses stood up against Pharaoh with the Living G-d on his side so shall we. And with the power of the Living G-d we shall once again be delivered from tyrants of these old task masters.
As we should pray to the Living G-d to forgive us our sins and lead us back to Him and His will. Ask that the Living G-d remembers our covenant with Him and shines His face upon America once again with His Mercy, Grace, and blessings to free us from our bondage of slavery.
This to The living G-d who gave us Natural law that all peoples, kindred’s tongues and nations should declare liberty and freedom in all lands.
We will have hope in these dark days as it is always darkest before the dawn.
We will make it and we will survive through the power of the living G-d for the battle is not ours but G-d’s. May he swell up the Sprit of Moses and freedom in us all.

Fredo said...

If you DID vote for SHOULD be ASHAMED and embarrassed!

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where this is?

Bill Brewer said...

The people who voted for obama (primarily young people with no clue and uneducated racist robots)are not capable of feeling these types of emotions. Great billboard. Thank you to the person responsible.

Anonymous said...

I hope "Anonymous" feels embarassed about his spelling and grammar...

Anonymous said...

We here in Texas have always expressed our opinions loudly and to the point.

this Texan Did Not Vote for Obama. I am glad people are waking up to what I consider to be Obama's desire to destroy this nation
I believe he is a socialist with muslim ties- and hates this country.

Anonymous said...

People who voted for Obama are either socialists, illegals, anti-Americans, and/or criminals, so they don't care. Only a true American would be embarrassed by voting for him.

Unknown said...

Please put this bill board up in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

How can they, who voted for Obama feel embarassed, they can't even realize that El Presidente is very inexperienced, and very far left.
A lot of them have no clue what it takes to be a President of this country. It's not about giving freebies either.Embarassed? No, not these people.The eloquent speeches by Obama got them snowed under!And they don't feel the cold for they have thick skins!

Ian said...

I got some bad news for you people. I watch read thefoxnation every day. I watch Fox News more than I watch cnn or msnbc. I voted for Obama and it's the best decision I've ever made.

In 50 years when this country is better off than it is now, we'll look back on dipshits like you the way we look back on klan members today. Welcome to the future. Get used to it.

Joe said...

Hey IAN, I think you need to lay off the wacky tobacky and WAKE THE HELL UP. You like paying for illegals health care and entitlements? You like having partisan legislation rammed down your throat? You like expansion of government and a deficit that could choke the world? If you do, go to Europe or Russia, or better yet China or North Korea. Because your mentality would fit in PERFECT there.

Raskol said...

Hey, Ian. Guess what? If voting for Obama was the best decision you ever made, then boy, do I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Ian, I beg to differ! You only have to hang around until the November elections to see the handwriting on the wall! The backlash will be an amazingly clear
consensus on this Chicago Gangsta administration. Clue: YOU aren't going to like the results!

Victoria said...

what and who are dipshits ???? you must be talking about you? Are you talking to me! How would you know what I am? You are drinking too much Obama Kool Aid brother!
FYI, Hitler was not a communist, he was a socialist and marxist, and El Presidente is busy leading this country into that!
I have a dark brown skin, how can I be a Klan!

Anonymous said...

For those who claim that to have contempt for Obama is racist...not true, we don't like the white side of him either

Unknown said...

True colors are shining through. Glad we live in a democratic society where we can vote idiots out of office when the time comes. They had their chance to make America greater but they failed.


Anonymous said...

Ian said...
I got some bad news for you people. I watch read thefoxnation every day. I watch Fox News more than I watch cnn or msnbc. I voted for Obama and it's the best decision I've ever made.

In 50 years when this country is better off than it is now, we'll look back on dipshits like you the way we look back on klan members today. Welcome to the future. Get used to it.
I agree. No regrets on the vote, on holding onto my beaten down 401K (now fully restored as it was 100% invested in the S&P 500), on holding onto beaten down stocks like Apple, and being smart enough to prosper in general during the Obama era. And I'm smart enough to be securely employed in the healthcare industry. To those who think me and Ian are not too smart with our decision you're better off asking why were you dumb enough to voted for two college dunces? (McCain/Palin).

Anonymous said...

Where were you concerned patriots when White Houses thugs Bush and Cheney were in power and plunging the nation into 2 wars and a recession? I voted for Obama and I will vote for him again in 2012 when his defeats scum on the Right.

Joy Jackson said...

It's in Marshall, TX.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm glad for those who voted for Obama...because now everyone in America realizes it was a mistake!

Anonymous said...

This is Gold. The tea party movement is great entertainment for those lucky enough to be outside of the USA. Keep it up, we're all having a laugh at your expense!

Anonymous said...

And Palin would be a better choice...LOL

Sarah in Tucson, AZ said...

You GOTTA be kidding me??!!

I am Sooooo proud that Barack Obama is my President. He is 1,000 times better than what we had over the last 8 years, it's scary. He's already saved us from the financial mess Bush left us in, saved lives through health care reform, stood up to Wall Street (while Repulicans stand up FOR them). I can go on and on. He's such an incredible human being and I am SO glad he's our leader!~:)

Anonymous said...

Sarah in Tucson

Were you born stupid or did your mother drop you on your head when you were little.
Obviously something has truly delayed your mental development