Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obama's Controversial Recess Labor Board Appointee Wants No Punishment for Hiring Illegals

Labor lawyer Craig Becker's nomination for a seat on the National Labor Relations Board was blocked in February when a few Democrats joined Republicans in opposition to his appointment. Friday, President Obama gave Becker a recess appointment. A new audio uncovers Becker's position on employer sanction against hiring illegals. He opposes it and thinks it is discriminatory. Doh! The whole idea of employer sanctions is to get employers to discriminate against illegal workers in favor of legal workers.

From Breitbart:

"It's had a discriminatory effect."

1 comment:

  1. FYI only: As bad as Becker is for workers and their employers, the NLRB has no jurisdiction on immigrants and has ruled that illegals do have the right to unionize.


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