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I reported yesterday Republicans were introducing an health care reform reconciliation bill amendment to prevent pedophiles and sex offenders from getting Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs. No one is in favor of this. Right? Oops! Democrats voted down this amendment because they didn't want House Democrats to have to repeat their tough votes to takeover health care. A ruling by the Senate Parliamentarian has torpedoed that plan.
Politico reported:
Democrats killed an amendment by Republican Sen. Tom Coburn to prevent the newly created insurance exchanges from using federal money to cover Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for rapists, pedophiles and other sex offenders. The amendment failed 57-42
"The vast majority of Americans don't want their taxpayer dollars paying for this kind of drug for those kind of people," Coburn said.
Democratic Sen. Max Baucus urged his colleagues to defeat the amendment.
This will make for delightful ads during election season, won't it?
This is funny. How can the insurance company know about the people who are rapists? Sean by the way i agree with you.
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