Thursday, February 18, 2010

WaPo Opinion Writer Tries to Link Insane Pilot to Tea Party Movement

This didn't take long. The left is trying to tie the pilot who crashed his plane into an IRS office building in Austin, Texas to the Tea Party movement. A Wapo columnist opined the following:
Joseph Stack was angry at the Internal Revenue Service, and he took his rage out on it by slamming his single-engine plane into the Echelon Building in Austin, Texas. We now know this thanks to the rather clear (as rants go) suicide note Stack left behind. There's no information yet on whether he was involved in any anti-government groups or whether he was a lone wolf. But after reading his 34-paragraph screed, I am struck by how his alienation is similar to that we're hearing from the extreme elements of the Tea Party movement.

Jonathan Capehart failed to mention Joseph Stack had this to say about former President Bush:
As government agencies go, the FAA is often justifiably referred to as a tombstone agency, though they are hardly alone. The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government. Nothing changes unless there is a body count (unless it is in the interest of the wealthy sows at the government trough). In a government full of hypocrites from top to bottom, life is as cheap as their lies and their self-serving laws.

Capehart also dropped this ending to Stack's manifesto:
The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.

Sounds like Joseph Stack was down on capitalism.

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