Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Schwarzenegger Reaps What He Sows. Claims Democrats Lied to Him About Obamacare.

On October 6, 2009, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger broke with most Republicans and threw his support behind the Democrats health care reform.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a statement today in support of health care reform, making him the latest Republican to endorse the reform efforts currently underway.

Now, he is opposed to the current bills and claims Democrats lied to him. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is reaping what he sowed by supporting the Democrats health care reform. The latest bill will raise California's already sky high deficit by another $3 or more billion per year.

“When asked for my support, I was assured that federal legislation would not increase costs to California or include new unfunded mandates,” Schwarzenegger wrote. “Unfortunately, under nearly every scenario we can predict, the federal health care reform legislation being debated would cost California’s General Fund an additional $3 billion to $4 billion annually.”

Sorry Arnold, but Pelosi and Reid don't care.


Bluegrass Pundit said...

I would find this humorous if it only affected Arnold, but the rest of America is going to have to pay too. :(

Timeshare Jake said...

And why did it take him so long to figure this out?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It was the work of obstructionist republicans and democrats in name only that led to this bill that has only one use as far as I'm concerned.

A single payer system would have lifted the burden of health insurance expense off the states and businesses that provide it. Thank the republicans for sticking it to business with this bill.

Bluegrass Pundit said...

TRUTH 101 said...

"It was the work of obstructionist republicans and democrats in name only that led to this bill that has only one use as far as I'm concerned.

A single payer system would have lifted the burden of health insurance expense off the states and businesses that provide it. Thank the republicans for sticking it to business with this bill."

I am not sure why you think that. Republicans oppose mandatory insurance for business and individuals. How can that stick it to business?