Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good News: Stimulus Saved Three Jobs For Only Two million A Job

We have to wonder if being a friend of Hillary Clinton doesn't have it's advantages. It is being reported, six million in stimulus funding went to her 2008 pollster. Reportedly, a whole three jobs were saved.

The Hill reported:
A contract worth nearly $6 million in stimulus funds was awarded by the Obama adminstration to two firms run by Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton's pollster in 2008.


  1. I'm looking for work and I'm willing to do one, maybe even two, of the saved jobs for half that cost!

  2. mark said...

    "I'm looking for work and I'm willing to do one, maybe even two, of the saved jobs for half that cost!"

    I'll retire and someone else can have my job for half that cost. :)


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