What does Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio do when the Obama Administration tell him he can no longer use his deputies to round up suspected illegal immigrants? He launches one of his notorious "sweeps."
The LA Times reported:
Reporting from Phoenix - The day after the federal government told Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio that he could no longer use his deputies to round up suspected illegal immigrants on the street, the combative Arizona sheriff did just that.
Way to go Joe,...we needs hundreds more like him!!!!
I'm all for busting illegal immigrants and getting them out of this country. However, I am NOT for rounding up hundreds of people, many of whom are in this country legally, and interrogating them just because you THINK they might be illegal. Don't they arrest suspected "domestic terrorists" on stupid, minor charges? How many of us do they think MIGHT be a "danger to society"?
Also, once you arrest an illegal, how dare you embarrass and torture them like that! They're still human beings.
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
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